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Everything posted by Bonse

  1. Hey guys, Had this issue for a while but turned my crossfire off to fix it. Whats happening is when i run crossfire the game hits 30fps and pretty much stays there, when i turn it off i'm running at 40-50, this is still lower than i expect with my rig; 2x 6950 2GB (tried oc'ing it with no difference) i5 2500k @ 3.8 16gb Gaming ram (cant remember speeds) MSI GD65-Blah mobo (not sure if it's double 16x pci-e slots or 16x and 8x) 120gb Agility 3 Sata3 SSD (c500mb/s up down) 3x 24" monitors running @ 5760*1080 any ideas?
  2. Bonse

    Cheat on UK8 - Kill script

    Lovely, why people feel the need to destroy the game is beyond me.
  3. I followed Jubag and Mackenzie in pitch black with my trusty mackerov whilst they were on team speak and kill them... twice. Then confessed all and Mackenzie had a hissy fit and left teamspeak; jubag thought it was funny too so it's all good. ilold all night long.
  4. Bonse

    Kicked from UK4 with picture

    Fail understanding is fail.
  5. Bonse

    UK8, New Server

    It's back up and running with the latest patches, the rough patch should be over now! Enjoy your stay!
  6. still runs like shit :( @Ultimateburger - its been the same before and after the amd drive updates :(
  7. Yeah tried that setting, i shall try that -winxp line now! thanks.
  8. Bonse

    UK8, New Server

    Yeah it's our dedi box with control. Remote desktop. We were hosted with MP before, just happened to be in france lol :D
  9. Bonse

    UK8, New Server

    Should be up tonight. Kinda wishing on 1.7.1 release :(
  10. Bonse

    UK8, New Server

    From what i gather they were testing it last night to make sure it's stable. Will be up tonight IF it isnt already up. (at work so cant check)
  11. Bonse

    UK8, New Server

    Server is still down but should be up and running this week as we are currently in the process of having the dedi box moved from Paris to London. Cheers the your patience.
  12. Date/Time: 28/05/2012 (20:XX) What happened: Desynched with chopper for around 30 seconds, sync'd up again and out I fell. Where you were: Near Solynichniy What you were doing: Sitting in cheif gunner seat *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: UK8 *Your system specs: i5 2500k, 16gb ram, Sata3 SSD, 2x 6950s etc. *Timeline of events before/after error: got in chopper, went to pick one of the guys up, picked him up went to move on to the next pickup, desyncd for about 30-40seconds, caught up and fell out. No buttons were pressed at any point. This has also happened to one of my team mates, but he's a noob so it dont matter. Lol!
  13. Bonse

    Can't join most servers

    Hey dude, i'm one of the Admins of UK8 - this problem with the 2500 ping relates to the isp's of the dedi boxes not pinging to gamespy. However i never have this issue, yet some of the other admins do. Seems to be a random bug as to whether you can join or not, i have well over a 98% join rate. Hope to see you on UK8 soon :D
  14. Bonse

    UK8, New Server

    Lol RKO, 4 shots, 4 hits @ 450m+ on NW Airstrip last night. Non alt-f4'd either! I don't like the M24, just holding it til i get my hand on a nub cannon (DMR) oh and feel free to pry it from my cold dead fingers ;-)
  15. Ruthless full clan ban pleas rocket! Lol :D
  16. Bonse

    Server Blacklisted: UK11

    good job dude
  17. We're struggling with vehicles now though - most are there though.
  18. So much BS in this thread, it was locked for a good 15 mins + today (i only saw it for 15 mins) There was also a server locked, cant remember which, with 3 clan members in it, this was locked for a lot longer. maybe *MP* or something like that
  19. Bonse

    Killed by a chopper

    Yeah the post about the guy on FR4 isnt up :(
  20. Bonse

    Humanity -50 000, what do?

    Lol ur full of shit. -50000 from self defense... Ilold
  21. This game is growing by like 500-1500 players a day. Buy the rights Rocket, don't let me ruin your (and our) dream!
  22. Bonse

    Load times

    Nice news, dude. Is there any hint of what that patch holds? and an ETA on it? <3 PS get that donate button up.