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Everything posted by ZombieKilla666

  1. ZombieKilla666

    Middle Mouse Button not working?

    I did but I'm just a dumbshit lol.... I guess unplugging and plugging the mouse back in did it.
  2. ZombieKilla666

    Middle Mouse Button not working?

    Yeah but enjoying it for more than 5 minutes would be nice. As far as what you said, I cant even right click stuff for some reason.
  3. ZombieKilla666

    Middle Mouse Button not working?

    Same here, I cant even bandage myself.....
  4. Fk YESS!!!! DEV JESUS DELIVERS FTW. TY TY TY TY. No More LEAGUE!!!!!!!!! YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW TY for ur hard work :)
  5. lol, Mr.White Knight I love it. I have not been able to play for 2 months+ because of this and another bug. Just have to wait until the Devs have some time on their busy busy hands. I just pray Dev Jesus will deliver me. Bump for love My player ID: 11026054 Name: Joaquin
  6. RE: This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application PLLLZZZ Helps I love this gaeme. Basically I'm using steam OA and Seam Free. Last Problem I had was that server went down when I was on a dock. After that I was out in the middle of the woods stuck and unable to move. I reformatted and re installed everything. Now I have this issue. My player ID: 11026054 Name: Joaquin PLZ DEV JESUS SAVE ME OHHHHH LAWDY LOD!!!!!!!!!! QQ QQ QQ QQ I used 6 updater and followed the DayZ guide at DayZ info.
  7. ZombieKilla666

    Possible Bug LINK?!?!?!!?!?

    I got DayZ to work Initially about a month or two ago using six updater. I played and everything was dandy until I joined a Beta server, I was being chased by zambies and went out to the dock. I started trying to shoot em from the dock ect... then the server goes down. The next time I tried to play I spawned in the middle of the woods unble to move. I tried to re spawn but same problem. I then un-installed everything associated with DayZ using a program that un-install everything including root files ect... I re-installed and had the same problem.... I waited two months and reformatted my pc. Now I re-downloaded arma 2 free from steam and ran, I then DL OA and ran. I updated/made both were updated. I ran again. Then I let Six Updater do the rest. Now when I try to join any server, current patch version or not I get the "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application" I tried to run from a beta shortcut with " -nosplash -mod=@dayz; " added at the end of the target. Still no go. I even posted in the troubleshooting forum.
  8. Bump for some luv, re-installed and tried another reformat..... Dev Jesus plz LOVE ME!!! QQQQQQQQQQQQ
  9. PLLLZZZ Helps I love this gaeme. Basically I'm using steam OA and Seam Free. Last Problem I had was that server went down when I was on a dock. After that I was out in the middle of the woods. I reformatted and re installed everything. Now I have this issue. My player ID: 11026054 Name: Joaquin PLZ DEV JESUS SAVE ME OHHHHH LAWDY LOD!!!!!!!!!! QQ QQ QQ QQ Edit: I used 6 updater. Edit 2: I updated to latest version as of 6/19/2012, still no go. WTH should I do, maybe email battle eye?!?!?!? and followed this http://dayzmod.info/images/install.jpg