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Banano (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Banano (DayZ)

  1. Banano (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I think that's possibly what the allusion towards the humanity comment was hobbicon. Something to do with making someone's life hell if they have low humanity. Bring it on rocket c;
  2. Banano (DayZ)

    Makarov buff and dealing with disconnecters

    I don't believe it is solely the makarovs fault, but also the catch-up the server has to play before the player you're shooting drops dead. As for the D/Cing, I find it very dishonorable. I never will and never have D/C'd in a firefight. From my point of view, if you have the D/C penalty indicator on the side of your screen, and you disconnect, your character should instantly die on the spot.
  3. Banano (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I've been killed more times than I can count by not shooting first, because I wanted to "judge" someone's attitude towards me. Nine times out of ten people would just shoot me on sight because I had a bandit skin. But now that the skins are gone, I'll be much more friendly and less prone to shoot first and live.
  4. Banano (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    No, the player should have to use their own judgement to figure out if someone is shady or not. There should be no game-side crutch.
  5. Banano (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Amazing idea, I think this is taking the mod in the right direction personally. More freedom, paranoia and realism. I'm loving the ambiguity in the updates too!
  6. Banano (DayZ)

    The Bandit Code

    The way of the CZ Warrior is the only code I follow.
  7. Banano (DayZ)

    How to do The Bandit dance?

    You're bang on the money. Stay far away with your CZ and shoot people before they even see you. Better than bodies, try camping the car spawns in Zelenogorsk, etc.
  8. Banano (DayZ)

    Canucks unite!

    From Ontario; would group up but I don't trust anyone that I can't punch in the face for shooting me in DayZ.
  9. Banano (DayZ)

    Stary Sobor ninja raid with NVG + M4A2 silenced

    Once I find another lee enfield and some flares I'll show you how I do it like a boss at night time.
  10. Banano (DayZ)

    Bandit = Hard mode.

    Survivor clothes are better during darker hours. I roll with a bandit and survivor, I can't even see my survivor buddy at night at all.
  11. DMR is a nice choice. I like the simplicity of the makarov. Nothing better than just putting one in a guys dome with a shitty starter weapon.
  12. Banano (DayZ)

    DayZ and Basic Human Nature

    Man some people play this game in a scary serious way. I usually just kill people for their beans, without second guessing.
  13. Banano (DayZ)


    Agreed. Fighting a faceless war on banditry is no different from fighting a war on terror. I hope you guys know how to dodge sniper fire.
  14. Banano (DayZ)

    For the sociopaths.

    Was shooting a worm with my makarov, and he decided to D/C. Upset, I went on with my business and later saw that he reconnected to the server. Knowing I only had a few minutes to get back to this guy I grabbed a crossbow from the building I was in. I rushed back to where he was lying down stunned and I started to shoot crossbow bolts into his legs. After a few bolts I ran off and hid. A minute passes and he stands up to bandage and morphine himself. I wait until he is done doing this and I shoot another bolt into his leg. He drops down and starts looking around rapidly, so I duck behind the building I was shooting from. After a couple seconds I poke my head out and see him just lying there. Waited a few minutes and he disconnected again. I'm pretty sure he was out of morphine so I just left after he D/C'd the second time.
  15. Banano (DayZ)

    Quick Q: Glock 17 using M9 mags?

    Was considering suggesting something along the lines of this. Obviously any 9x19 round can be used in any 9x19 gun, but you would first have to have the magazine for the gun. Would be great to have an in-depth system worked out for ammo pooling, etc.
  16. Banano (DayZ)

    Heavily Armed Application

    Pretty sure this isn't the sub-forum for this.
  17. Are you goofs going to be using clan tags? I need to know who to shoot on sight.
  18. It's a lot of nonsense to believe what people do in a game is in any way transferable to real life. I love shooting people from 500m away with my CZ in DayZ, but I wouldn't be doing that IRL lmao
  19. Banano (DayZ)

    One hell of an assault our group did.

    Very nice kills and loot, let me know if you ever need some help with any of these raids.
  20. Banano (DayZ)

    Flashlights and why you should start with them

    It would be great if all the survivors started with flashlights. It would make it so much easier for me to find and kill them at night.
  21. Banano (DayZ)

    Scorped rifles need to go or become ULTRA rare

    ITT: People who are mad that my CZ skills are too good.
  22. Banano (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Being a bandit, everyone shoots you so I shoot people I see on the beach before they shoot me. I usually get a net gain of 2-3 makarov mags, beans and painkillers to boot. This is only when I spawn though; I don't camp out on the beach with good gear killing noobies who spawn for no reason.
  23. Survival of the one-with-most-beans. I kill for beans.
  24. Banano (DayZ)

    Boat Adventures w/ Valc & Friends

    Where do the boats spawn :o?
  25. Banano (DayZ)

    Bandits and Self Defense

    Chernarus life man. If you become a bandit you are sent into a perpetual world of shooting everyone that sees you so you don't die. I've already got -100000 humanity. There's no coming back from that and therefore no possibility to play as a survivor. I made my bed and now I lie in it. I think it would be more effective to just see the bandit skin (and humanity scale) scrapped altogether so players could have the chance to do different playthroughs and where they have the choice to be friendly or not friendly without having to worry about getting shot. I think this is already coming though, from the sounds of it.