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Everything posted by Dragabody

  1. Dragabody

    MISSING EXECUTABLE**** How to fix?

    ok Yes i do and the problem is missing executable fo Arma 2: Dayz Mod
  2. Dragabody

    MISSING EXECUTABLE**** How to fix?

    Never mind Dayz . Just Arma 2: Dayz mod when it says failed to start (missing executable)
  3. Dragabody

    MISSING EXECUTABLE**** How to fix?

    What do you mean by cache and im trying to play arma 2 : dayz mod and thats when its saying missing executable. But when i try to open up Dayz it says failed to start (app already running)
  4. Dragabody

    MISSING EXECUTABLE**** How to fix?

    i Try to open uop Arma 2: Dayz Mod and steam pops up a error saying Falied to start game (missing executable)
  5. Dragabody

    What Shader model does Dayz run on ?

    Because when im trying to open up Dayz it keeps on saying Error Shader model 2 not suppported anymore