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Everything posted by evil.piggeh

  1. So me and a mate were in a chopper casually floating around A2 in Namalsk without a care in the world [on his almost empty server] when all of a sudden another chopper comes out of nowhere and starts shooting at us. We we're in the black heli on and they were in a Huey, we take after the chopper and we manage to get one hit in, but by this time we're out of ammo. They turn around and shoot us to the point the engine turns orange- i dive the black heli down to a lower altitude to escape the fire but i'd over shot and my chopper slammed into a forrest. Me and my friend weren't dead though, knocked out and bleeding.. when we wake up we start hearing the roars... I heard my friend say "ok im dead" shortly after he dies.. i regain conciousness and bandage as quick as I can, then before i can bandage myself i get mauled by 3 bloodsucking alien monsters, I tried to run..but I also die.. As we had some pretty awesome gear at the time we decide to treck back to our bodies. My friend is first to reach the bodies and i just hear him on vent scream "AHHH THERES MORE OF THEM!" Shortly after the message came up "Your Mate is Dead." ... So im continuing running to the bodies with my revolver with 6 bullets hoping i can salvage some of my gear, knowing i have to deal with these bloodsuckers. I come accross the massive glow of the chopper crash and approach, then i hear that insanely loud bloody roar so i start sprinting untill i get to the crash. I FINALLY reach my body but as I try to loot my body it wont bring up the option...the damn chopper is on top of it! As im strafing left and right spamming the Gear button and my scroll wheel desperately trying to get the gun from the dead prior-me.. Literally 6-7 aliens completely annhilated me, at a guess 12k blood to 2k blood in less than 2 seconds, like that many hits, shitting my pants and running away i try to hit every alien in the head with my revolver, but to no avail. They kill me again. But of course we're either mighty brave or really stupid so we obviously tried it again- another 10-20 minutes travelling to our body, this time id managed to get a bit gear and decided this time i would take em! I finally get back to the chopper crash site and again the aliens pounce i strafe around aiming at their heads and manage to down a few, with still 2-3 chasing me, I run out of ammo and head over to my friends body to try to retrieve his weapon as he wasn't close to the chopper or underneath it, but again I cant loot the body- and the aliens suck my blood till their is no more. If its not enemy chopper crews its those bloody aliens! :P and the moral of the story is if you have bloodsuckers camping your body just gear some place else. :P But seriously it was really funny, and strangely i enjoyed it alot. Now when I see a bloodsucker though im gonna run for my life lol. and btw i have seen them in barracks before too.. your safe nowhere! But all n all, i like them in the game atm and the only map i really play now is namalsk + it was a bit too easy with just zombies. Thanks for reading- and sorry if i bored you im not the best at telling stories. Do you have any crazy stories or encounters with bloodsuckers? Leave them below. Peace.
  2. evil.piggeh

    Funniest DayZ Videos

    one of my personal favs
  3. evil.piggeh

    Today i met the stupidest squad

    ah.. the bandit vs friendly arguement. Lets face it even me (i concider myself a friendly) i have to kill to survive sometimes. You cant trust EVERYONE... And without that suspense and unknowing neither side of this arguement would even be playing dayz so why dont u all just get along? And i bet even bandits are friendly sometimes! even the OP. Don't judge people so harshly just by one thing they say/talk about. Because thats not the entire person.
  4. I've been shot in the back quite a few times, more than i'd like to admit, even after helping people. It doesn't stop me sometimes being friendly toward a person and taking a risk- maybe im not that attached to that gear at that moment, or i dont see him as a threat... or i simply just dont want to kill them... Then other days i'll go around killing people without asking any questions sometimes friendlies even get in the way! Its just the way it is. Shit happens bro! But the vast majority of the time, I will try to be friendly- but as soon as they start pointing a gun at me, im not so friendly anymore.
  5. evil.piggeh

    Today i met the stupidest squad

    I think I sense sarca..... nevermind it must just be me.
  6. evil.piggeh

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Yeah i heard it was going to be pretty low cant remember the exact amount.
  7. evil.piggeh

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    guess not then :D
  8. evil.piggeh

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Well, that answers that then! Thanks! lol. ... Don't you work for BiS? No secret info on a release date? You can tell me bro, i wont tell anyone ;)
  9. evil.piggeh

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    If you actually read what I said- I heard it as a rumor, I never said "I think dayz standalone is finished". And even if it isnt finished- u think WarZ was finished?.. lol
  10. evil.piggeh

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Ahhh right I get what you're saying now. Theres was an interview- or something I had read and im paraphrasing but dean said something like- "after working tirelessly all year, me and the team feel we need a bit of a break and we couldnt make the schedule in time, but on the plus side we have more time to fix bugs and polish and optimize the game to a fuller potential than if we released and built on it". I apologise if thats completely inaccurate but i vaguely remember it was something like that. Also wouldnt be suprised if it had something to do with 2 of the BiS employees being arrested in Greece. I dont re-call if it was here or somewhere else he said it, I really cant be sure. But rocket always comes accross genuine- but even if you are genuine person and your lifes work is at stake you will say anything to keep the ball rolling. So who knows.
  11. evil.piggeh

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    No complaint, but it would be pretty sneaky if its true. I was also told a different price was going to be set for the standalone at deans discretion but i guess non of this is set in stone.
  12. evil.piggeh

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    In my opinion now wouldve been a great time to release DayZ standalone if it was in a completed polished fully optimized state because all of the people dissapointed with WarZ would instead get the refund they deserve and instead spend it on the DayZ stand alone, so i dont think this factors into their decision of when to release. But extra profit definately would be a factor. Plus with 1+ million anticipating a launch and those people telling everyone else how much fun it is, they could get another 500,000+ ARMA2+OA sales if they keep putting it back a few more months. With DayZ videos being spread all over youtube and DayZ being talked about it probably thousands of sites they could easily make that number. Remember, companies care about one thing- PROFITS. - and whether we like it or not Dean Hall is not the owner of BiS.
  13. evil.piggeh

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Makes alot of sense from a BiS business perspective to delay the standalone doesnt it?
  14. evil.piggeh

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Double post, woops (ignore)
  15. evil.piggeh

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Even today i came accross a youtube comment on a video which said they were buying arma2 combined ops today- so i know it is definately still selling- but once the standalone comes out... whos gonna buy it then?
  16. evil.piggeh

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Yeah i couldn't help but ponder it myself when someone mentioned it to me. I think it'd be fairly easy for BiS to keep Rocket quiet for a while. You know what companies are capable of when it comes to profits... but who knows.
  17. evil.piggeh

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Today I heard a pretty outlandish rumor, and I'm not sure at all if it's true or not but it would make perfect sense in a profit oriented way. Anyway to the rumor- I heard today that the standalone could already be complete (I have no idea how close it is to be released- no more than what i hear from rocket doing his video interviews/conferences). And the reason that it is not being released is because Arma2+Arma2 Operation Arrowhead is still selling quite well. Someone mentioned it would be bad business to release a finished polished product to compete with your old product that continues to sell well to this day. Now I know this sounds pretty far out- but if im honest, I dont think anyone really has any knowledge of how complete the game is, and from a business perspective it would make perfect sense to delay the release of rockets game when the mod is still attracting many many players to purchase Arma2+Arma2OA to play DayZ. Anyway this all could be conjecture and hear-say but I'd like your opinion, and if possible any news/progress on the standalone. Anyhow lets hope they're wrong and rocket and his team are workin their *** off to get this finished and completed for us loyal fans. Thanks.
  18. I have faith in rocket and I trust what he says in the conference which ive seen atleast twice. However, Rocket will not always have the final say I fear and this is what im scared of. I trust rocket, I dont trust the people he works for though. Because as for any big game company the goal is always one thing- profit. But like you im hoping and praying the standalone will be well polished and running smoothly on some lower end systems that currently cant play the game very smoothly due to very little optimization.
  19. evil.piggeh

    Accused of hacking? please help

    http://www.battleye.com/ i believe mate
  20. evil.piggeh

    Accused of hacking? please help

    A clan member from america had the same problem, hes an honest player that would never use a hack and he got globaled and subsequentially unbanned. So dont just jump to assumptions, maybe hes innocent? Major game companies can fuck up too you know.
  21. Dont get me wrong its a good map and well designed and such, i enjoyed the short time i played on it- but like i said its just the pure size of it my computer finds it difficult to handle than say namalsk. I'd suggest maybe watching some Taviana videos on youtube and make up your mind that way.
  22. Thought u werent replying? PS. you started a sentance with "And" is also a grammatical error. so.. :P Anyway- being serious, I dont like taviana because the map is too big and i struggle to stay at a frame rate where i find the game enjoyable to play, but your pc is maybe better than mine so just try it- if you dont like it just click uninstall. Very simple.
  23. Dont contribute to a troll to me and I wont troll on you. Its very simple- Like you had anything positive to say? I posted a video just like this guy asking for honest feedback- instead you give beans to an obvious troll telling me "I'm going to dislike all your videos... Why? Because fuck you thats why" and what u expect me to be fucking nice to u?
  24. Hey me too and you did the same, shame isnt it, its called kharma asshole 1000+ posts and u dunno whether to download a map or not? I think you're the one trolling. and i still think your a retard sheep