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Everything posted by Pa-pa-pastorn

  1. Pa-pa-pastorn

    Organized battles?

    I've played the mod for more than 500hrs and SA for 200+ but never tried organizing a big fight between two groups. The thought never crossed me before that maybe it might be a fun learning experience for two groups to battle it out over a given objective. So, if a clan or group is interested in a big fight (I would guess that our group could be anything between five and ten people) send me a message. Also I would like to hear about your experiences with organized battles in DayZ. It doesn't seem to be a big thing but with the right organization and people it could be interesting I think.
  2. Pa-pa-pastorn

    Organized battles?

    I seem to ping somewhere around 150 there so that shouldn't be a problem, I used to play Half-life with 400+ haha
  3. Pa-pa-pastorn

    Organized battles?

    We all live in Sweden and Norway but say for example we would play between 22:00 - 01:00 our time, that would be something like 5pm - 8pm eastern time, maybe that could work? Would be nice to fight americans =D Unfortunatly, I am the only one who has Arma III. Also, it wouldn't serve as the full DayZ training experience we are looking for.
  4. Pa-pa-pastorn

    Organized battles?

    I forgot to say, we would prefer playing on hardcore.
  5. Pa-pa-pastorn

    Organized battles?

    Aha, I hadn't thought about making it a "public" thing but that sounds fun too! With a group v group battle I was thinking it might be easier to organize, not only before but also after the battle. For example a break to regroup, fix injuries etc. Kinda like the christmas ceasefire in the ww1-trenches. An idea we've had is to let one of our guys be a hostage and hopefully get him back alive.
  6. Pa-pa-pastorn

    A group of swedish survivors (DayZ:SA)

    We are a group of swedish survivors trying to make it in the harsh reality of Chernarus. We try to be friendly sometimes but usually it doesn't work out. Also we like to play with flashlights and stuff that look shiny and dangerous. Come for the action, stay for the swenglish! Last of the mohicans The war criminal Action night (part one) Action night (part two) Pistol shootout in the woods, a massacre, a massgrave and fun with flashlights!
  7. Pa-pa-pastorn

    A group of swedish survivors (DayZ:SA)

    Why do you come here?
  8. Pa-pa-pastorn

    A group of swedish survivors (DayZ:SA)

    April 16th, 17th, 18th
  9. Pa-pa-pastorn

    We picked the wrong fight.

    Very nice vid! I like your cooperation and the fact that DayZ makes your heart pound, I know the feeling. Liked and subbed!
  10. Pa-pa-pastorn

    All of my new videos

    Nice vid! Perfect time for a server restart...
  11. Pa-pa-pastorn

    Going Lonewolf!

    That was very beautiful =) This has given me the idea tro form a survivors support-group where we can all gather in the woods on a weekly basis to share our thoughts about surviving and such.
  12. Pa-pa-pastorn

    DayZ at the protests

    Even before the troubles in Ukraine started, I was thinking that DayZ was somehow used as a russian war training-simulator. The plot thickens.
  13. Pa-pa-pastorn

    Tacticool Squad Fights - Masasce

    Nice vid, superaction!
  14. Pa-pa-pastorn

    Testing the throwing and physics in new experimental update

    Finally i'll be able to throw empty cans to fool zombies, my first line of defence!
  15. Pa-pa-pastorn

    Maxed Graphics 4K Resolution Screenshots!

    The fourth and fifth are really nice.