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Everything posted by b4ux1t3

  1. I have watched LOTS of Let's Plays. Lots. What I am seeing, from literally every video so far, plus my experience on four different servers, is this: This is what most of us in the gaming community like to call an Indie Game. It is, at its very core, an adaptation of a game from may years ago, with a few new features and a "redesigned" control system. But, in the end, it is a "new" game based on an old one. There have been countless platformers that took from Mario (Super Meat Boy, Little Big Planet). There have been countless RPGs that have taken from Final Fantasy and other, more western RPGs (much more numerous and pertinent than I could possibly mention). This is essentially a survival game based off of a shooter. This is not a bad thing. My only problem so far is that this game is too big for its breeches. Unless you join a brand spanking new server, within a couple hours of its creation, you are at a major disadvantage. Not only is this not realistic (in a "real" zombie scenario, you would have had as much time as every other person in the world to adapt to your environment), it is actually imbalanced. DayZ strives to be realistic in all things except game balance. This is almost realistic: You would, in theory, be at a disadvantage to a person who started their apocalypse in or around a weapons cache. That is just realistic. However, starting literally weeks or even months after the same other person puts you at an unrealistic disadvantage. Now, obviously this would not normally be a problem. Many new Minecraft servers (for instance) go online every day. The problem with Dayz is that the server software is both rare (it is an indie game, and therefore players host servers) and resource intensive (even if you play the game, you have to have access to an abnormally powerful WINDOWS (can't be the free alternative) SERVER, along with an even more abnormally powerful internet connection. Most gaming computers are strong enough to host a server for DayZ, but very few home internet connections (that is, internet connections of the indie [or even hardcore!] gamers that will likely want to play this game) are able to support the ridiculously high networking needs of the game. As a result, if you want to play this game with even one other friend, and you want a fair game, you have to own a $500+ gaming server with a $100/month or higher internet connection, both on top of a $500+ gaming computer (that's low-end) and a $30/month internet connection (most likely separate from the server's connection, therefore in an entirely different place). That means you essentially have to pay over $100 per month just to play one $30 game with friends. That is a lot of money of play what, again, is classified as an indie game. Obviously, you could just join another server, but from what I have seen, most servers have been online long enough (that is, more than a few hours) that all the necessary early-game resources are gone. My ideas for fixes? 1. Make all games limited-time-only: Games only last for 90 minutes to 24 hours. This allows for a lot of individual exploration and customization while allowing newer players to join sessions that haven't been running for long enough for the current players to have looted all the buildings. 2. Host official servers. This is a very expensive option that will definitely get more expensive as time goes on. Will need to be supported by microtransactions. 3. Official servers that are limited-time-only, allowing for private servers to be "unlimited" in scope, while providing new players a means of gearing up before either A. Joining the unlimited-time private servers, or B. Having their earnings funneled into items for private "limited-time" servers' aesthetic items. 4. Official servers (period). This would make it much more accessible to those who are not already a part of established gaming communities (or those who do not wish to be a part of them, for whatever reason) Basically, the game, as it is, is entirely broken by its very nature. The potential is there, but I have not been able to have the kind of fun that I have seen Let's Players have due to overcrowded servers combined with the inability to host my own server. Even for an early access game, it is lacking in basic functionality (simple multiplayer!) while also lacking in advanced functionality (higher-end graphics). I hate to compare the game to Minecraft (they're very different, and I love Minecraft), since this game is essentially built on another, but Minecraft has always embraced its indie roots; allowing anyone with a halfway decent computer (I have hosted one on a Raspberry Pi) to host a server for their friends. Unfortunately, this game has shown limited preliminary gameplay while requiring ridiculously advanced preliminary technology. That is completely inverse to what other independent and less-funded titles have shown. ____________________________ All that said, I am b4ux1t3, and I am new and looking forward to the (hopefully) bright future of this game. Despite all my grievances, it is still a fun game, even and especially for a glorified mod. All I can really do is hope that my thoughts help with the progression of development.