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About DCpAradoX

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. DCpAradoX

    When Do We Get Hovercars?

    While it's possible to have two (decisively) different modes in theory, I'd say it's highly unlikely that the developers will implement anything beyond the current hardcore/regular modes. Which, as you might have noticed, are pretty much the same damn thing with different camera perspectives. Balancing ain't easy and there are so many much more pressing problems at the current stage that this kind of thing will come at the very end of the development, if at all. I said they'll never finish the game but I was only half kidding - I'd be actually surprised if they don't abandon the project before it reaches the beta stage (meaning all planned features will be in the game and it's just bug-squishing from there on). Much like you, I really, honestly hope I'm wrong, but I don't expect it to go beta before late 2015 either way. Thanks! I was expecting the usual flames - it's nice to get some encouragement for once.
  2. DCpAradoX

    When Do We Get Hovercars?

    Don't worry, you are wrong - they'll never finish the game... But on a more serious side note: DayZ already attracted way too many people who actually want a tactical team shooter with squads and helicopters and everything. And they'll defend their stance with "freedom of play-style" and accuse everyone else of being just bad at the game for wanting more survival and less ARMA. They're the larger group by far and sooner or later the developers won't have a choice but to cater to their needs (or make less money).
  3. I had Zeds following me upstairs and successfully navigating fences and buildings the last time I've played (experimental; I think it was last sunday). It didn't work 100% of the time but I was still very surprised to see them actually use the doors at all. They also added the new squatting type Zed who moves kind of like an ape and is harder to hit than the others. I almost felt a little threatened when I saw six of them coming my way rather quickly right after I alreadly clobbered three of their buddies to death (turns out they were following a fresh-spawn). It's pretty far from being perfect but a step in the right direction - I'd say it's just a matter of months 'till they finally be able to up the numbers (to, like, 10 per town or something)... *edit: added the "experimental" note for clarification*
  4. DCpAradoX

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    People who'd gain an advantage from a "kill cam" are already playing Call of Duty, so I don't understand why they of all people wouldn't want one. I said it before and I'll say it again; people who play DayZ like a competitive shooter are missing the point. And since it's the #1 argument for those types: freedom of play style my ass! I can't play the game how *I* want if you force me to play it like you want (or get shot to death every other hour). I wouldn't mind a "kill cam" because I'm curious, not because I want to know who killed me so I can take my revenge. It would mostly be just me falling off some structure anyway - I rarely get shot, and I play on always full experimental servers. Anyway... I'd love to have a bunch of statistics about my run - primarily playtime, zombie kills, player kills (it happens), distance run and some minor stuff like how much food I've consumed and such. *edit: changed "foot" to "food"*
  5. DCpAradoX

    Where do I find the AKM?

    I found mine on top of a kiosk - I think all guns and ammo can spawn up there; other stuff too. I didn't know this for a long time but now I check every booth I see.
  6. DCpAradoX

    Why do you play DayZ?

    Okay, this is going to be my last reply in this thread because we're obviously getting nowhere and because I feel bad enough already for kinda "hi-jacking" it in the first place. Many, if not most, people who dislike PvP in DayZ feel this way because it's not what they want from a survival game. Why is this concept so a hard for you to grasp? The game could (and should) be hard as fuck and it wouldn't matter to them - dying a lot is not the problem here.
  7. DCpAradoX

    Why do you play DayZ?

    No. You are delusional if you really think that and there's no point in discussing this any further. I have killed players who tried that before and I will do it again should the occasion arise.
  8. DCpAradoX

    Why do you play DayZ?

    Jesus tap-dancing Christ on a moped, when did I ever say PvP doesn't require skills?!? Of freakin' course PvP requires skills - unless you're just killing unarmed fresh-spawns or people who don't fight back for any reason. But that's not the point and never was! The point is that whether you like KOS-style PvP in DayZ isn't decided by your skill level. You could be the worst player ever and still love DayZ PvP - the notion that everyone who dislikes it must be bad at the game is strange and stupid. And if you honestly can't have fun in DayZ without guns I feel sorry for you because you're really missing out. Ha ha. It's like you don't even know how to read!
  9. DCpAradoX

    Why do you play DayZ?

    What is there to understand? It's like saying every person that dislikes My Little Pony simply doesn't understand it. I'm getting weary replying to you because you're obviously dead set on making this about "skills" when it is clearly not. There is no solution because some aspects of DayZ just attract the "wrong crowd" (kind of like motorcycles). Let me put it this way: if you wouldn't play it if there were no guns whatsoever, than maybe DayZ isn't really for you. And people who use the old "all sorts of killers would be rampant in a zombie apocalypse" argument severly overestimate the crazy people quota in any given population. Chernarus is freakin' tiny compared to any real-life state or even city. You can cross the entire map in what, one hour? I haven't actually clocked it but it can't be much more than that (w/o stopping for anything). I mean, that's still huge compared to other games - but do you know how far I'd get in an hour if I had to travel cross-country by foot? About 10-15km, maybe even less if its particularly rough terrain. So, as far as post-apocalyptic worlds are concerned there's still quite a lot people around for an area this size. According to science, psychopaths - or rather people with antisocial personality disorder - make up about 3% of the general population - that's less than 2 people for each 40 player server. But not every "psycho" is also a murderer and many of them would've been in aylums and prisons when the zeds took over which should result in an uneven spread of potential murderers. I know there's lots of stuff to factor in that I didn't mention, but it all boils down to this: there should not be enough crazies to have one of them on your particular server every time you're playing. If you want realism, that is. But as I said before, games like DayZ don't attract the general population. Chernarus is like Mos Eisley spaceport - you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. I'm not whining about getting KOS'd - I've played for over 200 hours and haven't been KOS'd more than 5 times, and not just because I was lucky but because I've adopted a play style that fits the current situation. Like I've said in my other post, I'm not bad at the game, I'm just worried that it'll turn into just another military shooter and/or asshole-playground. People who actually enjoy survival games will be turned off and eventually abandon the game if their main cause of death is asshattery. But the KOS-I'm-a-hardcore-sniper-and/or-ax-murderer-lol types will only stop when they get bored because they don't care whom kill as long as there's enough players left to shoot at. There might be no final solution of the KOS question but there are a few things I'd implement to keep it at bay. Since we don't know what the final game will look like and because I believe the team will abandon development long before it reaches the beta phase, I'll stick to the current experimental build. Most of the stuff I would do is fairly obvious: get rid of assault rifles, make ammo a lot scarcer and don't have a third person camera period. Other things might be a little less obvious: make movement more realistic - this means much slower sprinting and running (we're talking not even half the current speed here) but also faster transitions between postures (like the ability to jump into cover) and other actions. But there's really not much you can do without somehow forcing the player base to be a representative cross section of the general population (as opposed to a bunch of small subcultures).
  10. DCpAradoX

    Why do you play DayZ?

    For the last time: this is not about difficulty. If you attack me, I'll fight back and likely kill you in the process - I have a scoped AKM with lots of ammo too, you know. You keep acting like I'm whining that the game is too hard for me which it is not and I'm tired of repeating myself. I've played Quake 3 and even CoD for a very long time - I do not dislike PvP in general. I'm not in the position to force anything on anyone. I just find it sad that so many people feel the need to be assholes for no other reason than personal entertainment and I wish this wasn't case. I see servers with names like "PvE only, High Loot!!! KOS=BAN" or "Friendly Server X, TALK FIRST" all the time and I'll never ever join them because that's not what I want from the game. I want variety in player interactions, I want a reason to feel uneasy while looting and I want it to be as hard and realistic as possible. If this includes people shooting at me to get my stuff or because they felt threatend so bet it. But that's not what I am criticizing. A while ago, I was on the 2nd floor of a building when I saw a guy running towards the backdoor - I was aiming directly at him and would have had enough time to kill him if I wanted to. And I know he saw me too. I decided to camp wait at the stairs and kill him if he'd made a wrong move - but not without warning, even though he obviously knew I was up there. So here's what happend next: I didn't see a thing and went unconscious w/o any warning. When I woke up, I was naked and all my stuff was lying piled up at the front of the house with a burning flare on top - he didn't take anything, not even the ammo. I was flabbergasted to say the least but then I quickly took all my stuff back and made a run for the woods. Then after 2 minutes or so, the goddamn French national anthem started playing VERY LOUDLY and it was the creepiest shit ever because I couldn't figure out where it was coming from and the recording sounded like it was taken from an old gramophone or something. I started running to get "away" but there was no getting away. It kept playing until I traveled a considerable distance and just stopped abruptly at some point. This glorious motherfucker had somehow managed to hide an invisable radio in my backpack (it became visible after I had logged out and in again) and used it to freak me out! This is why I play DayZ. (well, not exactly this, he was cheating after all - but it was all in good fun and nobody died for stupid reasons)
  11. DCpAradoX

    Why do you play DayZ?

    I think I need to clarify something here: I do not get killed a lot by other players. In fact, I've been killed on sight maybe 10 times in over 200 hours of gameplay and that includes situations where I was partially at fault. I'm not angry and frustrated because I'm bad at the game. I'm good at the game. I even dare saying very good. I stay alive for weeks at a time and mostly die to glitches because I know exactly where to go and which buildings are high-traffic danger zones and which areas are relatively save. Why is everyone so quick to jumps to the conclusion that this is a matter of skills? What's the line of reasoning here? I know KOSing is not new. That's not the point and it doesn't make it any less bad. Not once since it came up has anybody answered the question why they enjoy or don't care if they make others miserable. One other thing I haven't mentioned yet is that it breaks the immersion for me. Having a bunch of idiots camping at the shore to shoot fresh spawns is not "role playing". Having people use the game as playground for Arma style skirmishes is not appropriate for post-apocalyptic survival games with a heavy focus on realism and atmosphere. Of course the game lets you do those things (for now anyway) and there are technically no rules against it - but you shouldn't do them out of common decency and not because someone or something forced you to. It's like playing Mario Kart and being the one guy who decides to go in the wrong direction and bump into everyone or playing Call of Duty and being the one asshole who camps in a dark corner because he knows other players can't see him there. It hurts the game in the long run and limits the multiplayer experience to simple shooter mechanics.
  12. DCpAradoX

    Why do you play DayZ?

    I don't give a shit about zombies, they're not why I like the game - you could replace them with just about anything and it wouldn't matter to me - in fact, replace them with realistic wild animals and feral packs of dogs and I'd like it even more. And no, there is no alternative - name one and I gladly uninstall DayZ and play that instead. That's why it's so frustrating - I have no choice; it's DayZ or nothing at all. And there's a huge difference between occasional PvP interactions and full-blown Counter Strike matches between clans in full military gear. I don't say you shouldn't kill anyone in the game ever - I'm saying it was never intended to be just another zombie apocalypse shooter. And my playstyle choice is better because I'm not an asshole to other people just because I can.
  13. DCpAradoX

    Why do you play DayZ?

    Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. And interaction is all fine and dandy - I'm all for that, really - but a dangerously high number of players treats Chernarus like it's the freakin' Thunderdome and that's not how things should play out. Like I've said: there are lots of other games were you can do that w/o annoying the shit out of everyone - why not play those instead?
  14. DCpAradoX

    Why do you play DayZ?

    Here's the thing: there's quite a lot actual shooters people like you can play - even more realistic ones - but there's no other game I could go to that is even close to DayZ. And I'm not bad at shooters - quite the contrary, but DayZ is not a shooter and killing other players is the last thing I have in mind when playing it. Why do you even assume it's a matter of skill and effort anyway? Is it really that hard to comprehend that other people might not like the same things as you do? Usually, I'd say "to each his own" and let it be, but having fun on the expense of others is not okay - even in video games. It might not be real-life, but the anger and frustration* is still very real - and you are causing it. Mario Kart and Call of Duty multiplayer causes anger and frustration too - but a very different kind, the good kind you get from all kinds of competitive sports, the kind the gives you a reason to get better and pay them back. Like I said - there's SO MANY shooters where everyone agreed that killing each other is fun, so why do you peole have to "invade" the one good game that isn't supposed to be like that and turn it into the same kind of game you chose not to play for no reason at all?
  15. DCpAradoX

    Cannot find certain items for the life of me!

    Generally speaking, I only find the stuff I don't need or want. Looking for a press vest? BOOM! Pristine rider's jackets wherever I go! Want an SKS? POW! Pristine M4 with 60 mag on the ship wreck for no reason at all! Need a PU scope for the SKS? ZING! Pristine long ranged scope falls off a building and kills you instantly! True story.