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About LeadFinger

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  1. LeadFinger

    Possible Solution to the DCing

    I see what your saying. The main point is trying to have someone sit still for a bit before they logout, and thats what the pulse would do, if you see what im saying.
  2. LeadFinger

    Possible Solution to the DCing

    True, but what about people that lose internet connect or have power outages? (Unintended dcing)
  3. LeadFinger

    Possible Solution to the DCing

    What issues do you see?
  4. So of course, many players have been dealing with the constant annoyance of combat loggers, ghosters, and simply people disconnecting from battles or hoards of zombies. So here is my idea critique away. The idea sort of ties together with the heart beat that you get when you look at a bandit, though that idea is still a work in progress of course, I wanted to tie something together that would seem to flow very natural with that dynamic of game play. The idea is based off of having the player have a pulse. The way that this could maybe work is by having a resting pulse were your heart beat is at a very normal state (maybe 70bpm). But as you start to run long distances your bpm will increase, lets say for example 120bpm. The only way you can log out and there not be any consequences is if your bpm is at resting state. So if its at 60, you can log back in with no problem, but lets say its higher then the resting bpm, there will be a consequence, and from what I've thought of the consequence could be logging in unconscious for a certain amount of time depending on how high your bpm was above what your resting bpm was suppose to be. Quick example, your resting bpm is suppose to be at 70 at the highest, you log out at 120, the difference is 50 so when you log back in you would be unconscious for 5 minutes (10bpm=1min). And this could apply for how high you cause your bpm to be maybe the max at 180 depending on the situation. Also, causes that could raise your bpm, shooting a gun, running in general, getting shot (drastically raise your bpm), or breaking bones. These causes will also vary how much they raise your bpm depending on how drastic the activity is. On to the next part of this mechanic, the pulse that you will now have will add another icon (like the food or water meter). And this will basically be a animation of your current pulse (http://i.ytimg.com/vi/9qrOEldTSao/0.jpg) was thinking of a animation sort of like that with a number of your pulse. Criticize away this is just based off what I've been thinking advice and questions are welcomed.
  5. Does anyone know exactly how much the tent holds? Also does "Tents (as of can have 53 item slots inside. (excluding firearms)" mean that tents don't count weapons as 10 slots? only as 1 or that tents don't count weapons as inventory space at all maybe?
  6. LeadFinger

    Dallas 31 HELP

    Does anyone have any info on this server, had all my tents and gear on there. If someone knows if it changed to a different server name or something please send me a pm ty.
  7. LeadFinger

    Home Server Down

    ya same dude, hopefully it'll be back up soon...if anyone has any connects to the guy running dallas31 hit him up! :D
  8. LeadFinger

    Home Server Down

    So I play on Dallas 31 usually because I recently found a quad there and have a tent full of loot set up as well. But as of a day ago, I've noticed that the server has been down for awhile, as first I thought it was maintenance and decided that I'd just wait it out but so far its still down. Anyone have any advice on how I can find out who runs and contact them?
  9. LeadFinger


    Hmm is there anyway to raise this issue to a dev? cause its kinda of a bummer, I want to use it during the day :p
  10. LeadFinger


    So I just found the FN FAL ANPV S4, and when i zoomed in the optic was without nv so i toggled it on with N and now it wont go off. was it glitched off in the first place?
  11. So i just put on some camo and my zombies/headshots/murders/bandit kills got reset. Anyone think this is a sign that I could end up in the middle of the ocean or in debug forest? Just let me know what you guys think. Thanks.
  12. LeadFinger


    hmmm kk...
  13. LeadFinger


    haha indeed, just hope i stay alive long enough to enjoy it for a bit
  14. LeadFinger


    I got it from the body I killed.
  15. LeadFinger

