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About NOLA (DayZ)

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  1. NOLA (DayZ)

    The 'war on snipers'

    I agree on simulating the transonic region, but pretty much that and wind would double how difficult sniping currently is, while also making it much more skill based than just adding in ridiculous sway. As for changing the zeroing system, I think it's current implementation is fine.
  2. NOLA (DayZ)

    The 'war on snipers'

    Easy way to fix sniping: reduce sway/dispersion add wind
  3. We probably won't see any significant changes in the sounds/fx until they manage to fix the server-wide spontaneous sounds bug. (hears cans open and stuff all the time)
  4. NOLA (DayZ)


    Interesting idea, but if you wanted to add the gear aspect, they shouldn't be able to ruin things like guns, bullets, compasses, or other objects that the birds would likely just scratch. It would also be cool if the birds could fly away with the smaller foodstuffs, but that's something that most likely isn't possible.
  5. NOLA (DayZ)

    Attachment(s) for the B95 (and things in the gamefiles)

    Awesome gun, it should get some awesome attachments.
  6. NOLA (DayZ)

    Are some players really that dumb?

    I play as a hero because it's the most difficult of the 4 main playstyles in the game, and that's a fact.
  7. 180~ days in the mod. I probably only played about 90-100 of those days though.
  8. NOLA (DayZ)

    Thread in defense of banditry

    Banditry is fine. It's also the most valid playstyle in terms of a balance between good loot and safety.. Between choosing your own fights, being able to kill/target any player you like, and taking your time to kill a guy with a well placed headshot, you literally have the pick of the litter when it comes to looting. Also, KOS =/= Banditry; See a guy with loot you WANT? Kill him, you're a bandit. (or hold him up, but killing him is a way easier method that still doesn't count as KOS) See a guy with no loot that you want, but kill him anyway? You're killing on sight. I played bandit for a long time in the mod, I didn't KOS, but I DID kill people who had loot I wanted. That's what being a bandit is about. Take your time to aim, hit the head, don't ruin gear. It's not that difficult.
  9. Originally suggested here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170534-blood-test-kit/ Since the suggestion was among others I decided that it deserved it's own thread. The gist of it is that once you use a blood testing kit on your live character, it will save the blood information inside the inventory (next to the player icon) until you die, which is when it will disappear. (obviously, as you would have a new character) The original suggester of this idea (JiJi) made a picture to illustrate what he meant: The picture above is what the character screen would additionally detail after you used a blood testing kit. (With the small blood icon lasting until your character dies)
  10. NOLA (DayZ)

    New 1:1 Mouse Controls are not good for the game

    He wouldn't be able to shoot you instantly. The weapon does move slowly enough at the moment (although I think it should move slower) to make a 180 shot like that take at least 2 seconds. And there's plenty of other immersion breaking aspects. In fact, tons of them. Most of the time, dying will instantly break immersion. Hello dead screen. I think that the weapons should move slower than they currently do, but mouse movement should stay as it currently is in experimental. This would solve your problems of 180 shots. And as for spinning around quickly, it's no bigger immersion breaker than zombies are. Yes, you're in a game, even if it is a game designed to simulate real life with zombies in the mix.
  11. NOLA (DayZ)

    New 1:1 Mouse Controls are not good for the game

    Last system was horrible. They are limiting how fast you can move your weapon but not your head/body now, I don't see any problem with it. What's going to happen? People spinning around? How frighteningly immersion-breaking.
  12. NOLA (DayZ)

    Allow 2 seperate hand slots

    Games had dual wielding long before CoD. (original counter-strike, 1998) I think dual wielding pistols is acceptable. Except of course you would lose tons of accuracy. Your shots would be all over the place.
  13. NOLA (DayZ)

    Binoculars now in Experimental Build!

    I have a set of ruined binoculars I picked off a bandit earlier. They seem to be exactly the same.
  14. NOLA (DayZ)

    Thermal sights. Yes or no?

    I don't think any scopes/optics with thermal capabilities should be implemented in the standalone. I do, however, think that NVGs should return.
  15. NOLA (DayZ)

    Lone Wolf: How To Live A Few More DayZ

    I thought the sun was still bugged and rising in the southeast on standalone? It does for my game. I've checked it with the compass a few times too, it seems to set in the northwest.