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Everything posted by Sentinel24

  1. Sentinel24

    Why is the Sporter .22 so underpowered?

    I agree, this is a problem
  2. Different strokes for different folks... there should be servers that have low amounts of food and ammo, simulating a time years after the zombie apocalypse. I support a new loot system that is more persistent so that loot didn't respawn so often- that is the real problem. I am not into the 'we're out of food' thing, number one people grow food, and number two watching the movie The Road really disturbed me and I want this game to be different.
  3. Nah bro, food and clothing should be the number one commodities in cities (in my opinion). But I definitely support the establishment of "hunting servers" that could reduce the amount of food spawned in cities but make animals more common.
  4. Firstly, the high velocity of M4 rounds makes the weapon much more deadly than the typical 5.56 NATO Assault Rifle. Secondly, these weapons would be extremely rare and would only be found in helicopter crashes or other special structures.
  5. -No Steyr AUG? 5.56mm NATO (Paratrooper Variant chambered for 9mm) 30 or 42 round magazine Under barrel grenade launcher attachment? Slightly less powerful than the M4, but the 42 round mag is a plus. View: http://storiesbywilliams.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/steyr_aug.jpg Used by the Governor in The Walking Dead -Also, the HK G36 Also 5.56mm NATO 30 round magazine Longest range AR in the game (besides Mosin) Several different scopes? Rarely found at helicopter crashes and the like View:http://omegafactor90.deviantart.com/art/HK-G36-71976205 Used by the German Military
  6. Sentinel24

    Do you think Zombies should be headshots only?

    I think it should be optional. That is, a server admin can decide if his server will be headshots only or not.
  7. Sentinel24

    Dead players turn to zombies?

    Could be like the walking dead, if the player is not 'headshoted' he\she could turn into a zombie at anytime
  8. Food spawns should be slightly toned down, but only by ten or fifteen percent. There has to be a lure to go into cities...