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Everything posted by AwesomePixel

  1. AwesomePixel

    Screen and "HUD" to wide and big

    Sooo a couple of days ago, I tweaked my settings a bit - and no the screen is very big, and the HUD (if I may call it that) is huge... And those little squares in game, where you can put your weapons etc, are also way to big! Does any1 now how to fix it?
  2. AwesomePixel

    Screen and "HUD" to wide and big

    Thanks guys, it was the interface settings that were to high :)
  3. AwesomePixel

    Reset ALL settings?

    Hi! So the other day I was tweaking a bit with my settings, and now they are all screwed. Does any1 know how to resert ALL the settings to defualt?
  4. AwesomePixel

    Reset ALL settings?

    Do you know how to enter that file? I am quite the noob at finding files hahaha :P
  5. AwesomePixel


    How do I find my current game version?
  6. AwesomePixel


    Hi Today while playing, i got a massive desync and all off a sudden, i am stuck inside a room wich i cant get out of. Any1 who could help me out?
  7. AwesomePixel


    What is the current game version for Dayz?
  8. Hey! I have seen some people wearing both the gas mask and the ballistic helmet at the same time, but I can't seem to be able? Pls help me with this
  9. AwesomePixel

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hi people I just got DayZ this friday, and I have been playing it a hell of a lot. I still in the learning process, so if some one wants to tag along, give me a note! I am from Norway btw, 15 years old. Hope 2 see u.
  10. I am in need of a medic! Im in Chernaya Polana inside the fire station, with a broken leg! Please help!
  11. Does any1 have an steam acc with dayz that they would like to give away or trade for a account with all the GTA IV titles and Gmod..?
  12. AwesomePixel

    Does anyone have an steam acc with dayz?

    Yeah, i get you.. I was just wondering, since i really want to play this game, but dont have the money right now hahah :P