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Everything posted by zombieland78

  1. Ah, I didn't know there was one. I'll go snooping there. Many thanks :)
  2. zombieland78

    Some questions on safe storage - Epoch

    Oops, sorry. Topic updated.
  3. zombieland78

    what happens to things built off-map?

    ah right. Thanks for letting me know :)
  4. zombieland78

    Where's the best place to find a backpack?

    I might have to try that one day. My question is, how do you find them? is it when the announcement comes up that 'bandits have taken over bla' and then you look for the large red circle on the map? I'd need a decent sniper rifle for that I reckon.
  5. I'm pretty new so forgive me if this is a dump question but... Given the amount of different maps and locations (and mods), has anyone ever customised DayZ to look less eastern european and more like, say, the US? I'd imagine with a few texture tweaks you could do that. Mimic various fast food chains and such. Obviously H1Z1 will take care of that but would be nice to see in DayZ.
  6. zombieland78

    anyone created a less eastern european mod/map?

    PS. Prison: http://youtu.be/-eu34vRVaOU#aid=P9HrFWsgM8g
  7. zombieland78

    anyone created a less eastern european mod/map?

    Ah, interesting. The mod of the standalone... of the mod. lol I wouldn't mind getting my hands dirty on some of that. As long as it wasn't too complicated. But yeah that idea sounds good. Only thing is you'd still need a fairly large expanse around it. Maybe you could have the prison at one end and the fortified town at the other end? would likely be a private server with two teams.
  8. zombieland78

    anyone created a less eastern european mod/map?

    Shame, would make for an interesting change of style. But in terms of building packs etc. I just would have thought a mod team could customize buildings/textures?
  9. zombieland78

    who killed me? obituaries?

    ah yes, bit old this topic. Got it covered now. Thanks though!
  10. zombieland78

    Dear mod community

    Dear mod community, Why kill on site? why? why is the mod just a glorified death match with zombies as opposed to a zombie survival game? Two pointless deaths, two long ass sessions to get back to a basic level of survival, join my server (1 second) hear footsteps (2 seconds) shot to death without warning (3 seconds). Lying prone while holding an axe. For FUCK sake. So now I genuinely don't see the point in carrying on. Yesterday, someone (actually for two days running) was being really nice to me in the chat. Met up, ignored me (which is weird after all the chatting), then proceeded to tell everyone I was a killer (in a trader city) then when I fled the city, bang. Dead. Maybe it's because the game is full of teenagers.
  11. zombieland78

    who killed me? obituaries?

    Right, excuse my ignorance here. How do you differentiate between direct and side? and I take it one is based on how close you are to another player, the other is global?
  12. I tamed a dog and whistled for it to follow me. I then instantaneously got kicked, pretty much mid-whistle. There was a little message but didn't have time to read it. Does that sound like a glitch? was playing Epoch. End Days server.
  13. zombieland78

    I think whistling my dog got me kicked

    Well, I'll try catching a dog and whistling at it again. If it kicks me again I'll report it. Thanks.
  14. zombieland78

    who killed me? obituaries?

    Ah, well maybe someone can answer this.... When I've seen standalone voice chat seems to be a necessary component to staying alive i.e. if you don't identify yourself as friendly within 3 seconds you can be shot. But almost every mod server says 'voice chat not allowed'. Now, when I've been playing the mod, sometimes I'll hear some fuzzy, nonsensical yelp coming through voice chat and it's REALLY annoying, so I can see why it's not allowed, but I also suspect that in standalone, voice chat is proximity based (as in you only hear it if you're near someone) but in the mod everyone seems to hear it. So it would make sense to not allow it in the the latter case. Am I correct?
  15. zombieland78

    who killed me? obituaries?

    Hmm, rather think that I'd end up not playing it. Is it just a drawn out death match? Seeing as voice chat is banned across the whole mod it seems no one has the opportunity to verbally assess whether you're a threat or not. And seeing as typing takes too long, everyone shoots. There are some really sick players though. One example... I was asking for a keyboard shortcut for something or other and someone suggested a shortcut that kicks you! and can lead to being banned apparently. Me, not realising, did just that and got kicked. Nasty.
  16. zombieland78

    who killed me? obituaries?

    yeah, great place apart from all the kill-on-site bullshit :/
  17. zombieland78

    who killed me? obituaries?

    Ah well thanks anywho.
  18. zombieland78

    who killed me? obituaries?

    Mod. Epoch.
  19. zombieland78


    Was just about to add this suggestion myself when I found that many people before me had already suggested it. I personally want to smoke and get pissed in-game. Maslow's hierarchy of needs, yo. First you need food and shelter, safety from zombies. Once that's taken care of - party with friends. A lot of people would love it. They already hang out and treat half the game as a social MMO. Step further I say :) But let's not add sex. Not enough gender balance.
  20. I've found one or two youtube videos where someone builds a base but there's an awful lot to take in/understand, so I wondered if there was a simple step by step on how to do that? Only want to try something small that I can keep a couple of things in. Would even be satisfied figuring out how to secure a building for myself - any tips on that? Can I take a barn for example and board it up? or stick a shed somewhere? Cheers
  21. zombieland78

    Need a tutorial on how to start building in Epoch

    ok, sounds good. I found this video series and it's not exactly a step by step but it's the closest thing... http://youtu.be/sVmBrnKqg-E
  22. zombieland78

    Need a tutorial on how to start building in Epoch

    Thanks. Yeah, I did think of using the wiki but the wiki is a little vague and doesn't explain exactly how each procedure goes/what to click etc.
  23. zombieland78

    Where's the best place to find a backpack?

    Cheers dude. I'll check those out. I'd imagine they ought to be found in that style of building that's residential and has just one straight hallway with a room each side (two doors a side). Never seen one but it seems somewhat logical they'd be in there.
  24. zombieland78

    Where's the best place to find a backpack?

    So, given that I am playing the Epoch Mod and I don't want to be a bandit, what's the situation there? I've never seen a backpack at an airfield or a fire station either. Can they be bought?
  25. I've come to realise that there's only one thing worse than having no weapon and that's having a shotgun. May as well be called zombie magnets. But having recently figured out the hiding in the branches thing, I now appreciate the usefulness of a hatchet. But I can never find one. So I'm wondering where's the best place to come across one? or maybe there's a server that supplies you with one by default? Also, since playing for around 12 hours now I've never once come across food. My last player simply died of hunger. Any tips there?