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Everything posted by Aubinator

  1. I've heard of these deception tactics before, but never experienced them until now. Be aware, you can't trust ANYBODY. lol I present to you: "The Dick Move"
  2. Aubinator

    This Dad Plays DayZ - What a Dick Move... (Deception)

    O.o Damn, I thought for sure I was chatting with him. Might have been holding the shift key by accident. Well that chances everything! Haha
  3. Can anybody tell me how I was killed? :) I assume they shot me from the boat? but I never saw anything. Even whilst editing! (I was LIVE streaming at the same moment, so there may be times when i leaned over to my other computer to check the delayed footage) Hope you enjoy!
  4. Aubinator

    This Dad Plays DayZ - The UN Idea

    I join an online buddy and we start the beginnings of a new idea: the United Nations. If you are a new player, are lost, or just need some help, the United Nations can help! Give me a ring and we'll try to meet up!
  5. I am sincerely apologetic for a kill today. I told some guy an airfield to put his hands up. The server & I desynced and I assumed he didn't comply as he lay there crouched. I gave him a second warning. a third even and then shot. After I shot I realized the shot didn't do anything and that I was lagging. As soon as my game came back, the player had his hands up and was falling to the ground dead. Seriously, I am sincerely apologetic for my internet! I didn't hang around the server in case you had pissed of friends in skype so I cannot vouch for the safety of your items, but I can assure you I won't be picking them up. I won't say which server, but your stuff is still there. hopefully nobody loots it right away! Again, very sorry bro! You are actually my first PVP kill. LOL damnit! -Aubinator
  6. Haha! Oh shit! I've fallen into my own stereotype. Good call! Lmao!
  7. In the same session: a gentleman approached me yelling "Friendly! Friendly!" and immediately started to punch me. Lol This game is all sorts of win! The reason for the original post was out of courtesy and to share my experience. He was fairly armed, and I know how long it would take me to get my shit back. In all honesty I didn't loot him because I was mostly kitted out already. Only thin I was looking for we're mags. I am not a bandit by heart, as you'll see in my YouTube vids, but when shit hits the fan, it hits the fan REALLY quick!
  8. Full Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj8hWogW3AVT_RxFv4A8H80DaJgH98vuh
  9. Aubinator

    YouTube: Aubinator - Afraid of the Dark (LIVE)

    My apologies. I have indeed read the rules. The rule regarding Gallery posting is hidden within a spoiler. Might I suggest it be fully visible? I had posted to other forums and just copy and pasted the thread. Honest mistake. I'll be more diligent to follow the rules in future posts.
  10. Aubinator

    Maximum priority on the development of vehicles in Dayz?

    What would you do with the vehicles? The server is just going to reset every 4 hours anyways and you'll lose all progress to fixing, fueling just to save some time... Sounds like a large pain for short gain... Priority IMHO shouldn't be vehicles, but current gameplay issues. to name a few important ones: - zombie AI (mainly the lack of pathing - through doors, up fairs etc) - loot respawn - connection issues (server - client communication) This is alpha and you're a tester. Test what is already in game and stop comparing this game to the original mod - it's not there yet! Alpha is about testing stability and core mechanics, not about designing a temporary feature to make it "more convenient for you". Also, this world SHOULD take you forever to get around in. It goves you the feeling that you're in the middle of nowhere! This is a survival simulator.
  11. Aubinator

    Role Playing Clothing

    YES! This has my support 100%! GOLD! Fanny packs (for medical gear), leg holsters (for your SMGs), helmet bands (to hold your smokes)... how many slots are we going to allow? lol We may need a WEIGHT system if people are going to add item after item. Also, noise levels should increase as you carry more stuff.
  12. I want to hide in a bush on the side of the road and wait for somebody to jog along... BAM! Terry Tate - Office linebacker style bull rush and drive that person to the ground While we're at it... A forced "SHHH" that prevents players from using chat on a successful pin - covering somebody's mouth to prevent them from yelling: "there's somebody here!" Or even "HELP!"
  13. Aubinator

    Combat Move: Bullrush - Terry Tate Style!

    Not a bull rush as a comedy style move, but to incapacitate somebody, hinder their ability to retaliate, and remove them from a group. It can be a mechanic of stability. You're running and full standing, you are less stable - you can be easily rushed. If you are prone, or crouching - less susceptible to being rushed.
  14. My $0.05 (Canada got rid of their penny, so I can't give my 2 cents) I am not a fan of increasing the passing of time at all. However, there is a good point being made about people logging in at the same time of day, everyday. If you were unfortunate enough to be in a time zone that only permits night hours, this would kill your fun level. Might I suggest a 20-23 hour cycle, this way each day you log in, if it's the same time, you'd be playing in an in game time later than the previous day. You'll eventually see both cycles, but still have a feeling of full days (as most people normally wouldn't play 24hrs straight). The issue I can see is that during the night cycle hours, you might get a significant drop in players logging in. This could be advantageous, or it could be a detriment to the game. This we'd have to test and observe to see if people start playing at night. I am actually disappointed that most (if not all?) the servers don't have a night cycle. Night brings out an additional level of fear and unknown. In this sort of game, where you are incredibly nervous about losing your character, night would bring about another layer of fear that I think is absolutely necessary :)
  15. Aubinator

    Life Timer

    Did a quick search and didnt see it suggested... Simply put: a timer that tells you how long you've been alive. Have it only display over the inventory screen in a corner somewhere, and stop when you die. The death screen would then show your final timestamp: "You survived for X days : X hours : X mins" Could be a cool bragging tool to show people how long you've been wandering around the world!
  16. Aubinator

    Life Timer

    oh. well if that's the case..while we're at it, when people start modding we'll be able to add Hercules with clown guns. The guns shoot clown troopers that are armed with noodle sprayers (almost like flamethrowers, but with noddles instead of fire). LOL :facepalm: Seriously though, I think this is a mainstream feature suggestion thread, not a mod suggestion list. We want these suggestions in the main game without modifiation.
  17. Aubinator

    Parachutes As Looted Item

    IRL: you CAN parachute from a helo. I'm currently working in a Search & Rescue unit in Canada and they have started using it as a viable option. And I completely agree, if below ~500', forget it. Not enough air to open your chute! But that's all relative (jumper weight, equipment, the way it was packed). Which reminds me - amount of equipment carried (or at least weight) should determine feet dropped before canopy opens... In game: It hasn't been designed yet so we cannot say whether or not it is possible. When the helis are introduced, we'll figure it out then. Remember: We can't use the mod as a reference. This is standalone - a new development! Anything is possible
  18. Aubinator

    Parachutes As Looted Item

    I couldn't agree more!
  19. Aubinator

    Parachutes As Looted Item

    Agreed!A need to find, inspect, pack, use, repack, repair... A less than pristine item should have a chance of not working (dependant on damage level) Imagine: one finds something labelled a parachute, they equip it thinking: amazing! They try to use it later on to find it was used as a backpack! Haha!
  20. I have found a pristine fresh banana and a worn fresh tomato. How rare is fresh fruit? Will it keep in my inventory (ie is there a shelf time before it becomes rotten)? How much does it satisfy hunger? I can only assume a great deal...? Thanks!
  21. Aubinator

    Parachutes As Looted Item

    Agreed 100% Useful both before and after vehicles are introduced! Repack after use? Yes! Multiple uses (not just for para)? Yes Used as a backpack if emptied instead? Yes! This is a brilliant idea
  22. Aubinator

    "Be Quiet" Gesture Animation

    I approve of two things: The SHHHHH! animation And DrPhil's suggestion: grapple! I want to hide in a bush on the side of the road and wait for somebody to jog along... BAM! Terry Tate - Office linebacker style bull rush and drive that person to the ground While we're at it... A forced "SHHH" that prevents players from using chat on a successful pin - covering somebody's mouth to prevent them from yelling: "there's somebody here!" Or even "HELP!"
  23. Aubinator

    Life Timer

    Beards? What about females? Length of hair? Also, I can only imagine how hard it would be to implement beards (both graphically and code-ingly?). A nice touch don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't hold my hopes too high... Lol Timers are universal to genders, and require a simple overlay. IMHO, much easier to code in than beards. Lol
  24. Aubinator

    Powerfull Character Editior

    To further the suggestion, maybe a few preset: Body sizes (small, average, tall) Shapes (skinny, average, built) Skins (customizable and for uploading - however, characters would still have preset undergarments on (ie. tshirt and shorts) to avoid crude images.