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About mdude2312

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  1. Adrenaline Gaming has relaunched their DayZ Vanilla mod server, this time as a private hive! Adrenaline Gaming - US264 Dallas 1 Private Hive Complete Vanilla Private Hive, DayZ Mod, beta patch 103718 Active Admin, Active Anti-Hacks Our website is http://adrenaline-gaming.net If you're interested in joining our server, IP: We have a TS3 server with a DayZ section for any public players that are interested, ts.adrenaline-gaming.net Current difficulty level is Veteran.
  2. mdude2312

    Cannot get my DayZ MOD server to work

    Sorry for the late reply, we had trouble even getting our server provider to let us host any more game servers. We've done everything you suggested - reinstalled the dayz_server.pbo, and commented out the anti-hack. Now we have a somewhat similar error; instead of getting stuck on a constant "Requesting Authentication/Retrying Authentication" loop, I get stuck on "Waiting for server to start authentication" and then get timed out and kicked back to lobby. Thoughts? Btw, .rpt: http://pastebin.com/Gad2a3z9
  3. mdude2312

    Any Vanilla DayZ Servers Left?

    There is a lot more of a community for it than you realize :) My gaming community is in the process of setting up their own server for Vanilla. Watch out for it, it'll be posted here soon.
  4. mdude2312

    Cannot get my DayZ MOD server to work

    Just got back from class, looking at the log file. The error with connecting to the server seems to have to do starting with line 73.
  5. mdude2312

    Cannot get my DayZ MOD server to work

    We already tried, they said they can't do anything...
  6. mdude2312

    Cannot get my DayZ MOD server to work

    Here's the majority of what our .rpt was showing us (mind you the entire thing was 24000 lines) http://pastebin.com/JvbRuGp3 EDIT: From what I can tell, it looks like it might be an issue connecting to the hive. I've not worked with this much before, like I said I'm working as a proxy right now so I might not even know what I'm talking about. lol
  7. mdude2312

    Cannot get my DayZ MOD server to work

    I am not 100% certain, I don't have access to the files. I'm kinda a proxy right now, our tech guy is offline. I'll have him post and let you look at what's going on when he comes back online. I appreciate the help you're giving me! :)
  8. mdude2312

    Cannot get my DayZ MOD server to work

    No, we literally haven't changed anything. We had an anti-hack and admin tools script, but other than that it was completely vanilla --WAS. We completely reinstalled the mod on our side to make it 100% vanilla, and we still get the error. As for bumping too quickly, sorry. I'll make sure not to do it again. EDIT: The host is our own box, we have a box from infoservers.
  9. mdude2312

    Cannot get my DayZ MOD server to work

    Please, we really need help here.
  10. The gaming community that I am a part of has recently decided to restore their DayZ Mod Vanilla server, but we can't get it to run correctly. Every time someone tries to connect, we get stuck at "Requesting Authentication" and "Retrying Authentication," eventually leading to "Authentication failed, disconnect and try again" and being kicked back to the lobby. We've reinstalled the entire DayZ Mod on the server. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, as we're banging our heads into a wall right now.