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Everything posted by Bob_Lawblaw

  1. Bob_Lawblaw

    Just a tiny question.

    Is it against Forum Rules to Criticize DayZ and the Moderating team of this forum? Of course slander and just general rudeness is, but I've seen many threads with Valid and constructive Criticism being locked and the OP being either blasted with negativity or just straight up banned.
  2. Bob_Lawblaw

    Just a tiny question.

    First of, not your bud. Second of all what does that even mean?
  3. Bob_Lawblaw

    Just a tiny question.

    Lmao, Been coming to this forums for months just because I haven't made any posts prior to this one doesn't mean I'm new to the forum. Me and the person I'm taking about have played DayZ for years (Mod And then SA)
  4. Bob_Lawblaw

    Just a tiny question.

    I'm sure some of the people reading this thread know which topic brought my original question on, I'm not going to quote the topic or talk about specifics but I read the thread and nothing was crossing the line or over the top it was just straight up information and criticism.
  5. Bob_Lawblaw

    Just a tiny question.

    Actually I'm a friend of the Poster your talking about just trying to figure out why he got banned LOL Check My Profile Dude, My Account has been active for months. My Friend posted an actual article explaining exactly his point and gets banned. Just trying to figure out why