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Everything posted by Crosseyed94

  1. Crosseyed94

    "Finalize the string" issue

    Every time I hit a key, It pops up in this little bar on the top left of my screen. I can move it around the screen and onto my second monitor but that doesn't solve anything. It can hold about 25 characters then starts beeping at me in a mute tone for each additional key I press. It does this for all the letter and number keys. When I max out the character limit and it starts beeping, I will get a tiny lag spike. If I try to hold down my "w" key to walk forward, it registeres just as if you were to hold down "w" in notepad and writes out a massive line of the letter. As a result I will lag until I let go of the key and cannot control anything in the game until I let go. This basically makes walking anywhere and doing anything impossible. I have noticed when I hold down left alt I can run around just find without it registering any more keys, aswell as holding left control where I have turbo bound to. I can walk around using the arrow keys just fine too, but I wont be getting anywhere in the game like this. I attached what the bar looks like, hopefully someone can tell me what is going on. Ive searched google but I haven't found anything likely because I don't really know what to call it. I just bought and started playing the game maybe an hour ago, by the way. Thanks in advance everyone. Edit: Should have probably mentioned, when I hover over it, it says "Finalize the string" hence the topic name
  2. Crosseyed94

    "Finalize the string" issue

    Alright I am back with the solution to my problem and sharing how to fix it for anyone who comes across this annoying issue so they can resolve it too. I have seen a few people complaining of having the same issue while playing different games, but most do not see it because their game isn't in windowed mode. I happened to find out, while playing minecraft for the first time since pre-alpha, that the left control and space bar combination was what activated and deactivated this bar which is known as the language bar. This is caused by having multiple input languages enabled for your keyboard, which is why I was sometimes coming up with Japanese/Chinese characters. To fix this in Windows 7, go to Control Panel->Clock, Language, and Region->Change keyboards or other input methods->Keyboards and Languages tab->Change keyboards... Now all you need to do is remove any other languages from the "Installed services" box below by highlighting them and clicking Remove. Simple fix. I hope I can help someone out with this information. It seems so painfully obvious now that I have figured it out haha
  3. Crosseyed94

    "Finalize the string" issue

    Well It isn't the Steam overlay, I disabled it and this still pops up. Sometimes it does Chinese/Japanese characters but it doesn't seem to count towards the character limit. Still lags and beeps at me though... Here is a screenshot with it up and all my processes in the task manager. I still have no Idea what could be causing this.
  4. Crosseyed94

    "Finalize the string" issue

    Thanks for responding guys. Yeah It took me a couple hours to get it to come back up after I exited the client and restarted it again. It finally came back up when I was being attacked... Anyways the only overlay that appeared to be running was the one from steam. I ended it but it just started right back up again and I still had the bar. Then after ending it a few more times, the process stopped showing up but I still had the bar. A few minuets later I somhow got into typing some type of chinese or japanese characters in it, then I closed it for good randomly and could continue playing unrestricted again. I've never seen this in any other games so it would have to be from some key combination I only have used in this game but nobody else seems to be having this issue so I dont know what I am doing to cause it. The steam overlay doesnt even have that little bar, I didnt think? I don't know how to prevent this from happening but If I have to I will do something with the file in the steam folder to see if it really is the culprit.