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Everything posted by ST1Z

  1. Hello everyone my name is Peter and I'm a 15 year old boy from Norway! I was wondering if any of you that are reading this would like to start a new clan/group in the Arma 2/3 scene. example in DayZ Epoch, Overwatch whatever you'd prefer. If you are interested, pm me on this account, or add me on skype: Petter.Stenseth :)
  2. Hello! I am a 15 year old boy from Norway. I'm a friendly and mature guy who wants to join a DayZ clan. I can join an epoch, overwatch you name it clan. I have skype and teamspeak. I play almost everyday, if I don't have any sort of tests for school. If you want to know more or whatever, add me on skype: Petter.Stenseth
  3. Me and another guy are trying to get more people in so that we can make our own clan, so both yes and no :)
  4. Name: ST1Z Age: 15 Time Zone: Central European Time Zone (UTC+01:00) Country: Norway Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Yes Preferred Job: NCR Combat Medic Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: I've played the game a while now, so I have some skills. I also have been in other clans/teams before, so I know what I'm doing, and I would be a great team mate and I have experience with DayZ and play as a team.