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About the-gambler-90

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    On the Coast
  1. how long will it only be one chopper pr. server?
  2. the-gambler-90

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    it's not going to be another tent / car wipe when 1.7.2 comes out?
  3. yepp, killed once and respawn once
  4. why cant i take my tents down? is it a new thing to the game?
  5. Been looting cherno, elektro and alot of small towns on my way up north, and i havent come across a singel tent i markets and other civilian houses. Are they completly gone or am i looking in wrong places?
  6. words cannot describe my shock and awe toward some people' date=' why on earth would you do that, you shouldnt be playing this like its done. putting your time and energy into this is not an excuse for anything. you should see how well shit works, report it, then try other shit. wait untill the game is released to spend time gathering equip. [/quote'] bla bla bla....
  7. the-gambler-90

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Just shot 11 zombies at a huntingtower, it started with 4 and a new one popped up when one was killed, i could probably stayd there and shot zed's until i'm out of rounds, as they spawn when one is killed, but i logged out for not using all my rounds
  8. the-gambler-90

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Just loged in at wilderness now, loged out from NWAF yesterday, turned around for a quick look and behind me a player shot me right in the face. i'm not going to ask for a reset, but if so many have this problem for so long, why isn't annything happend to get rid of it? I know we are "alpha testers" and reporting things is our "job" but then i think the dev team should take one the serious problems first, instead of fixing how the zed's are running and how they act :)