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Everything posted by breakingbad

  1. breakingbad

    Make the Game Harder

    2. Would only lead to more pvp, obtaining loot is a goal in this game finding none would make it boring. 3. First person is already standard on most servers
  2. breakingbad

    Non-enterable Houses

    Funny thing is, if all the houses were accessible you couldn't have loot in all of them, so the complains would be "damm have to search all those houses and most of them are empty".
  3. breakingbad

    DayZ Stories

    My best/most exciting day in DayZ so far. :D I am a lonewolf beginner so pretty boring stuff. Started Day 3 with an attack on a deerstand next to Msta, took my Lee Enfield out shot the military zombies but didn't find any good loot :/. Saw something like a barn around the corner, turned out it wasn't accessible though, on my way over there I dropped my Lee Enfield in the grass (Big Mistake :blush:) to sneak up on a zombie and use the hatched to kill him. Zombie was dead but I couldn't find my Lee Enfield anymore. Searched the area for a few minutes, hacked a few more zombies, the Lee Enfield was gone. Raided the barn of Msta no weapons, found a colt m1911 in the shack next to it. Decided to go to the Rog castle, even if I would get shot there but luckily nobody was there found some food, a knife, some ammunition. Next stop Kamyshovo, raided the barn, some food, some ammunition, entered a wood house nothing useful. OK I said to myself lets check out the storage building at the pier before you log out for today. On my way over there I had to kill a zombie with the hatched, unfortunately he fell on me and broke my leg. :dodgy: Man I wished I had a savegame. The last I could do was to check out that storage building turns out it was pretty empty (a hatched and a tank trap). So I decided to crawl to the Hospital in Elektro, if I would meet a new player on the way he could have my stuff, it was getting dark and dodging all the zombies in Elektro was thrilling. In Elektro you could hear sporadic gunfire, just before the Hospital I saw movement on the other side of the road, another player with a hatched, luckily for me he didn't try to kill me (thank you). I had my hatched out so it was 50/50. He passed behind me and was gone. So I crawl to he hospital tried to break the glass but I had flare selected so instead I lit the hole place up. :D Finally I managed to break the glass heal myself and take some of the good medical stuff. Crawled out of the town to live another day. tl;dr - Broke my leg in Kamyshova crawled to the Elektro Hospital, healed myself and mad it out alive to live another day
  4. You aren't updating it just for this mod, right? I wouldn't do that, because no one knows (except maybe rocket) where this mod is headed gameplay wise and the videos might have given you wrong impressions because you see outdated stuff which cannot be done in newer releases.
  5. breakingbad

    Chernarus Map Guide App for Android/iOS

    Nice app been using it on my sony tablet, it's really fun and sometimes challenging to try to navigate by landmark only. Suggestion: Could you differ between churches you can enter and churches which seems to be only landmarks (make them a different color or greyed out). Crawled into Mogilevka just to find the church closed with no loot. Unless I am missing something and closed churches spawn loot too and I just missed it.
  6. Just dropped my Double-barreled shotgun (10 rounds) for an Lee Enfield with 30 rounds. Was that a good decision? I know it's supposed to be pretty loud and probably shouldn't be fired in a city, so I thinking I am going to a deer stand next. I am not (yet :s) into player killing but I guess it's the better defensive weapon. Just want to hear some comments. Would you have switched the guns. I also have a hatched for some silent zombie killing.
  7. breakingbad

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Can you add the version number to the debug monitor so you can see which youtube video shows valid gameplay.
  8. breakingbad

    Looting empty Servers

    Where do you find servers with 1 person on it? In honesty I think that is a valid tactic. Imagine you were in a zombie apocalypse would you go to a hotspot during "rush hour" and risk being shot or come back later when other people sleep ? I think for a lonewolf player it might be the only chance to avoid the clan players, TS groups and bandit groups. It's the locked server with some people on them I find more disturbing.
  9. breakingbad

    Heli crash sites?

    Stumbled across my fist Heli crash site today, unfortunately there wasn't any loot, or I was too stupid to find it :) The 8 military zombies didn't have anything on them either. So I am wondering if the crah site will stay at that location on that server or do they get randomized after each server restart?
  10. breakingbad

    Was the threat ever zombies?

    If you make the zombies to strong, players will just go after other player instead of looting, just just my two pennies' worth.
  11. breakingbad

    Circular trees on map

    I think the map distinguishes between a broad-leaved forest and a conifer forest, like a real map, hence the symbols.
  12. breakingbad

    Play alone?

    If you mean offline/singleplayer no it's no possible.
  13. breakingbad

    Ingame voip question

    Here's a more acurate describtion on chat http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9518&highlight=chat I am not sure about the xhair I think I have read that somewhere.
  14. breakingbad

    Ingame voip question

    Afaik! There is only 1 channel left. Which is direct chat. It will only work if players are very close to you 20-40m? and you have to aim your crosshair on him to talk to him. VOIP will be heard by every player that is close to you, but the range is limited too. So maybe no one heard you or saw your messages.
  15. breakingbad

    Quick Question

    Yellow means there are some problems with the connection Red means you (are / might be) loosing the connection to the server. A timer will follow if you have lost it. Sometimes the game will recover sometimes you will get kicked.
  16. breakingbad

    IF this was an actual game...

    game purchase only! (wouldn't mind buying substantional dlcs or addons later) studio developed (with community feedback - kinda like this) both servers kickstarter (total development freedom)
  17. breakingbad

    server levels

    No, the game is the same just some server settings are different ("realism settings").
  18. breakingbad


    You've got the wrong game for this mod. You need ArmA II and ArmA II Operation Arrowhead. You can buy them bundled as ArmA II Combined Operations or seperately.
  19. breakingbad

    Heli crash sites?

    I circled the heli 3 or 4 times (thinking there must be something) with a distance of 2 or 3 meters and under, but I didn't see anything, or is it supposed to be further away. @kwhy You might have stayed to close to the site to spawn new items, but I think they would have spawned new zombies then too, couldn't have done much without ammo probably Food and water seems to very rare with the new patch I am waiting for the next fix (out of food)
  20. breakingbad

    Track IR and DayZ

    Just want to know if a TrackIR works well with ARMA 2 or DayZ? So I know if it is worth the effort to set it up. Anyone using one?
  21. breakingbad

    Track IR and DayZ

    Just set up my Trackir4pro, which i got for il2 back in the days and since Cliffs of Dover didn't took off (yet) wasn't used much lately. Played a bit arma 2 and it seems to be working pretty well, will try it online tomorrow. Thx What's the ALT key for?
  22. breakingbad

    Inventory management for beginners

    Thanks, after somehow managing to put my full czech pack on a dead body which disapeared shortly after, leaving me with his empty default one. I thought to myself to better watch this. :D