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About grimboom

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    On the Coast

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  1. grimboom

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    I think he's trying to say that it's harder to catch fish in the rain not easier. I just did a little googling and it seems like most people agree it can be easier in the rain, that some fish come to the top to feed during rain. not so much if there's thunder and lightning. it can also vary by species as well as other weather conditions during the rain.
  2. grimboom

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    So what would be the best way to start playing it when it comes out? I use DayzCommander, will servers like 3480(or any other vanilla server) be updated right away? Also do I need to get the 1.63 beta patch, and if so do I get that through steam and which game do I get it for regular Arma 2 or OA?
  3. grimboom

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    new update sounds awesome, can't wait to play it. any idea when you guys plan on releasing it? some time this week maybe or could it still be another month? keep up the awesome work!
  4. grimboom

    how to play dayz mod

    wanted to try out dayz mod while i wait for more updates to SA. I bought the Arma 2 complete collection so i have the game and all dlc. do i just need to download Dayz commander and pick a server or are there other steps? also for anyone whose played the mod, which version would you recommend, i've heard of Epoch and i think there's one called wasteland. which one do you feel is the most fleshed out/fun. thank you.
  5. ARMA 2 complete collection is 75% off right now so i was wondering how polished is the mod for it, also i've heard something about Epoch. so are there multiple dayz mods on arma 2. should I even bother or has everyone moved on to arma 3. i already have SA but since there isn't a lot to do wanted to get my fix somewhere else if possible.