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About tyrannosaurusjayog

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. tyrannosaurusjayog

    battleye initialisation failed need help!

    Still didnt do anything said the same msg even with the folder deleted.
  2. tyrannosaurusjayog

    battleye initialisation failed need help!

    Hello! I need help with battleye, It has made my game unplayable for about 3 months now and I know what the issue is and why it isnt working. I am talking about standalone. I need to know how you would get rid of the read only attribute on the dayz folder or battleye folder for it to work but whenever i get rid of it it gets redos it and resets the properties. It could also be todo with the file taking off the permission of CREATOR OWNER to clear on everything. Can anyone tell me how i would set these and make it so it dosent redo anything i got rid of or anything? Please help.