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About hyperlink

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    On the Coast
  1. bump again ! This time its an IMPORTANT AND HUGE UPDATE!!!!! After having issues with the hosters performance, database wipings, server resets and much more : WE MOVED! Our new Server is online and youll find it here Ive put in a lot of effort to get the Server working asap, but unfortunately we lost a bunch of players while moving and starting over again. Its working great so far! Nice FPS, NO LAGS (SSD) and much more new stuff added on the map, come and check it out! So we need you again thx for joining, hyperlink_
  2. *last bump* still looking for like 10-15 willed players! Server runs great with 30+ people on it! Give it a shot :)
  3. *bump* we got a hand full, but still need for more power :D thanks ! hyperlink_
  4. Hello community! I'm gonna present you : Another Epoch Server [GER/EN] Another ## NEW ## Epoch Server [chernarus][3P:1|CH:0][] 500+ VEH| tow & lift -adding | sbb | safezones | AI Missions | toggle snap | server restarts every 3 hours! | JOIN NOW Actually we are looking for a bit more population on our new epoch server ! What we have :----------------------------------------------------- -tow & lift (adding r3f in the next 2-3 dayZ) -self blood -DZAI Mission script ( gonna change it a bit in a few dayZ for building supplys) -safezones klen, bash, stary ( stary will maybe change, depends on the dynamix) -custom airfields (NE / NW) -custom military baracks (hidden, youll find it!) -custom hospitals -a lot of vehicles -epoch standard trader pricings -debug monitor -base maintenance every 21 dayZ -restart every 3 hours! -active admin support (not 24/7, but guaranteed daily!) what we dont need :------------------------------------------------- -basecrasher -hacker -no base building in cities or lootspawns! Feel free to join us, as the topic says : we are going to spawn crate events filled with building supplies for our new starters! The Server grows with its community, im thankful for every constructive tips! Thank you, we will hopefully see (shoot) us greetings, hyperlink_