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Kirin (DayZ)

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About Kirin (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Kirin (DayZ)

    MAJOR scope issues! please help!

    well i was finally able to obtain a PU scope for an SKS and a mosin on exparemental servers, and they work amazing. so im not sure what the issue is between reg servers and exparemental.
  2. Kirin (DayZ)

    MAJOR scope issues! please help!

    any open optic scope i attach to any weapon will show the zoom in effect without the scope itself displaying. iv tried the PU on a mosin and a SKS and both zoom while using ADS but there is no scope showing. Iv tried the M$ red dot and ACOG with no scope showing when ADS. Iv tried the handgun with red dot that does not show the red dot when ADS. The mosin works with the long range scope, i get the crosshairs, but the scope on the outsdie is still not there untill i ADS. i have killed my toons, regeared them, travled all over the map trying differnt guns, totally wiped all Dayz info off my computer and reinstalled, validated files and all, it always happens, only for about 10 min did i have my scope back when someone told me to run Steam as Admin, i did that and logged in to have my scope work, but as soon as i started to explore again it disapeared when i ADS again. i have not been able to make the scope reappear ever since, and iv had this issue since the last big update with the faster zombies and zombie spawns (by the way good work on the faster zombies and the zombie spawns, the games amazing =D) im not sure what more info i can provide that video that one guy linked is pretty much whats happening to me spot on when i ADS with any weapon, everywhere, indoors, outside, in elecktro, cherno, NWAB.
  3. Kirin (DayZ)

    MAJOR scope issues! please help!

    Yeah that video posted above is exactly whats happening to me, with any scope. i really hope theres a fix found soon, i feel naked running around not being able to defend at long range.
  4. Kirin (DayZ)

    MAJOR scope issues! please help!

    can i bump this? still no issue in solving it =(
  5. Kirin (DayZ)

    MAJOR scope issues! please help!

    I dont know how to take video but i found someone with the same issue, watch this video This is whats happening. http://www.twitch.tv/y0kalol/c/4011006
  6. Kirin (DayZ)

    Attached scopes missing

    Im having this issue as well! iv made a post about it too before i seen this one. But im having the EXACT same issue =(
  7. Kirin (DayZ)

    MAJOR scope issues! please help!

    No im not, iv logged almost 200 hours into the game now. when i look down the scope the scope is NOT there, iv tried everything, that super close up on the handgun should have a red dot sight on it, but it dose not.
  8. Kirin (DayZ)

    MAJOR scope issues! please help!

    So im having an issue with my sights. Whenever i use ANY scope, ANY scope at all, and i look down the scope, there is no scope "iron sights" Like the PU scopes cross hairs are not there at all, the entire scope is not there, same goes for the handgun red dot, i get the zoom effect as if im looking into the scope but theres no sights to aim with. im not just zooming with my eyes, im not new. This issue has been happening since last update and im not sure how to fix it, iv validated files, re-installed, totally wiped the game from my computer and yet its still happening to me. could anyone please look at the pictures iv attached and help me figure this out please? its really hard to play with straight up iron sights, makes you feel naked. anyways, i would appreciate any and all help from you guys thank you for taking the time to read this! the below pictures are With and Without the optic attachments, the handgun should have a Red Dot and the mosin should have a PU scope. regards, Kirin