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Everything posted by DirtyWings

  1. DirtyWings

    Mandatory use of gas mask

    With hyperthermia I don't think many of us will wear the gas mask..
  2. DirtyWings

    Mandatory use of gas mask

    Yea maybe if they added toxic clouds as a weather. Roaming around the map. But I think they were made to look tacticool.
  3. DirtyWings

    Reason why People See so Many Hackers.

    Clan tags get a big target on them.
  4. DirtyWings

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    So what can I do vs the same hacker that keeps coming back to our server everyday? Everyday this week I have video of this hacker.. same voice.. and now has been bringing more hacker friends in.. Last 2 days then have been 2-3 people teleporting thru walls and floating around. So what can we do? Wait for battle eye to catch them? Just curious if anyone found a solution yet. Waiting isn't working..
  5. DirtyWings

    EPIC grenade kill!

    Nice!! I bet they never will all hang out in the same spot again.
  6. DirtyWings

    Squeakers got rekt by karma :D revenge

    :lol: Nice
  7. DirtyWings

    Server restarting every 4 hours?

    We have a server with vilayer and we can change the reset to what we want. You will have to change the codes in order to achieve that. Just open your control panel and change the code. I recommend you go learn how to write codes before doing this tho.
  8. DirtyWings

    What happened to "rotten" items?

    Could of been from someone's bag from previous patch.
  9. DirtyWings

    One weird trick to avoid upcoming character wipe

    Yes but just imagine how much more the ones that cant get gear legit will cry.
  10. DirtyWings

    One weird trick to avoid upcoming character wipe

    Nice thanks.. been looking for it.
  11. DirtyWings

    One weird trick to avoid upcoming character wipe

    Where does it say there will be a wipe? I never saw anything about a wipe before 1 player mentioned it. Now is this confirmed somewhere or are you all making stuff up?
  12. DirtyWings

    My first death in DayZ.

    I think that's one of the most common first death.
  13. DirtyWings

    What happened to "rotten" items?

    Don't worry you can just feed them raw meat instead. :P
  14. DirtyWings

    Did i kill myself?

    Yup you killed yourself.. now next time you will log in as a freshspawn. Ive made that mistake before.
  15. DirtyWings

    What happened to "rotten" items?

    I think with the persistence that was the plan. We will have to wait and see. But for now rotten stuff is gone.(No more feeding bambi)
  16. DirtyWings

    What happened to "rotten" items?

    Loot: Rotten fruit and vegetables removed from loot spawns http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/207620-changelog-stable-048124737/
  17. DirtyWings

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Ive seen them at heli crash sites.
  18. DirtyWings

    Sniper does a dying swan impression!

    Did you see how many bullets that guy took and was only unconscious.(They were all close range too) Good stuff. The things you get to see in alpha.. Priceless
  19. DirtyWings

    An easily offended clan of bandits

    Glitched mags... duped equipment.. Those guys are not even bandits... they cant even play the game. And yet they think they are hot shit.. Love dayz people B).
  20. DirtyWings

    Where is everyone?

    North west airfield seems to be pretty popular now.
  21. DirtyWings

    Character Reset

    When the server resets or goes down it will reset your character if you don't exit to main menu after logging out of the server. Also if you forget and log in. DONT NOT MOVE the character.. simply log out go back to the menu where you can see your character and then go back to play. Your character should be back to normal. Else it will reset every time Good luck survivor. .
  22. DirtyWings

    Bandit life

    Hehe.. :D Well this is why they are called KOSers and some are called bandits. In my opinion someone that kills on sight is just a survivor.. and other that will interact with random players are either bandit or hero. And what do you disagree with? the % or the hole thing?
  23. DirtyWings

    I need help with servers

    Nope Our server isn't up either.. Gotta just wait it out.
  24. DirtyWings

    I need help with servers

    Its not updated yet. Give it another hour or 2 and it should be up. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/207555-when-are-the-servers-back-on/
  25. DirtyWings

    Describe Your Playstyle In 5 Words Or Less

    Friendly Friendly You Are Dead Fuck This Its YOLO Time