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Posts posted by gacsibeni

  1. The Novo car wreck hint is spot on. I immidiately found one on top of a red Skoda.
    I have found 3 in a 1-hour session: I spawned in Svetlo, so I took it up north. I found one in one of the rural villages that have no POI buildings in it, in the medium sized garage-like barn. I found the second while going to Svero in a small industrial building. I will check out the inland villages that nobody gives a shit about now, and will report back. 
    Writing this from the Steam browser with my mosin pointing at the door in order not to get fked again.

  2. Hello!
    Currently I'm on a mission of trying to make a ghillie suit. However, I don't really know where to exactly look for burlap sacks. I've made my way from Cherno to Kamenka and north from there towards Zelenogorsk, only to find 1 burlap sack in the industrial shacks of these premises. Is it only me, or are Burlap sacks this hard to find, or is it just bad luck?


    Where do you find your burlap sacks?


  3. I'd like to share my opinion about the game's current state.
    I bought this game on 11 April after I read that the price would go up later. I was introduced to DayZ by my friends and we have had so much fun playing the Mod, so I thought lets see the SA.



    All the things I missed from the mod are present in SA, these are:

    • Extended clothing, you have actual pieces and can mix them to your liking
    • All houses have interior that can be visited
    • Old buildings reworked to have more accessible rooms (e.g. hospital)
    • Weapons can be customized -> Visually (painting) and by attachments
    • Eating / drinking reworked to have more meaning (being energized increases your blood, etc.)


    Of course the mod misses a lot of things for it is only in pre-alpha, we will have vehicles / tents / wildlife etc. later.


    All in all: The game will be awesome, has more potential than the mod, more support, better graphics (the engine needs tweaking though).


    Personally I purchased it to see how it is going and to try and help the creating of the game. Plus I want to have a solid knowledge of the map. 

  4. I hope I won't come to that.


    EDIT: Know that I am aware that you can regain blood by feeding, it's a different story. And we must also take it into account that when the game will be 100% and everyone's going to have a base of tents and loot, it will not be that hard. Good ol' days in the mod when we were carrying 5-6 bags to every loot run just in case... Literally you could only die when somebody emptied a clip on your back.

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  5. Hello everyone. I think regaining blood in its current form in SA is way too hard compared to DayZ Mod. It requires a lot of items that are not easy to find (it might just be me though) and the reward is not really great either, thinking about the 500 / 1000 HP regen of the seline / blood bag with a 5000 HP pool. We should not forget that compared to the Mod food does not replenish blood either, and IMO this system needs to be looked at. I'm curious about your opinion.


    EDIT: When I made this post, I wasn't aware of the fact that blood can be replenished from being energized. Sorry.

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