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About jumba898

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    On the Coast
  1. jumba898

    Realistic Blood Transfusion

    Yeah I was thinking that too but people only want to go so far with realism... they always say this is so realistic and I like this, but when things start to get too realistic sometimes people are just like why this isn't realistic at all, when in contrary its about as realistic as it gets. But yeah I have thought that it would be if you wouldn't feel perfectly fine also the blood transfusion should require more items/time and also those who get there blood taken shouldn't be able to run like normal or anything normal because after getting a pint of blood taken it isn't that easy to get back on your feet fully ready to go. It would be cool if they did that It would probably require people to play extra safe during times after transfusions or a group will have to take extra care of their o- player (because a lot of good groups always carry an o- player [Dayz tips 101]), also saline bags shouldn't be near as good as they are. Yeah exactly and one thing I can't wait for is when they add more guns and snipers too im tired of the Mosin, I mean its great for sniping, I have made an 800+ Meter'd shot and killed someone before, but what I really want is the AS50
  2. jumba898

    Realistic Blood Transfusion

    Then u and ur team r just not playing safe enough. me and my team have rarely been sniped its all about tactics alright.
  3. jumba898

    Realistic Blood Transfusion

    Exactly maybe your running around too aimlessly ive blood bagged myself plenty of times.
  4. jumba898

    Realistic Blood Transfusion

    I have come to realize that Dayz has made it so you cannot get + blood being a - blood type. That is not neccessarily true. Sometimes in medicine doctors under extreme circumstances (no more o- or no - blood) might have to give a - patient + blood. Realistically this can be done once in a persons lifetime. The D-antigens (Rh +) can go into someone with D-antibodies. I think Dayz should implement a system where a - patient receives compatible (based on the Rh+ version of there blood) blood once and suffers side effects such as weakness etc. For example a B - patient out in a world filled with zombies is in need of an emergency blood transfusion. Its not easy to find survivors so he has to use the first survivor he comes across... Luckily the survivor is O+, no A antigens that will react with his blood but there are D-antigens. So he does the blood transfusion. He starts to feel a bit better but weak at the same time. I finds vitamins and antibiotics and he takes them and slowly works his way back to healthy.