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Everything posted by Lordbelakor

  1. Lordbelakor

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I am maybe wrong, but this loot economy doesn't work at all, I checked it on different servers. Just a few minutes ago I went into Staroye and every damn building was completely empty. Nothing, not a single item, not even crap I don't need. I can live with harder zombies, that you can't dodge and which are insanely hard to kill (headblow with an axe isn't enough). But if you don't find any cloth to remove the runied stuff buy the zombies and there is absolutely no food and drinks? I can't hunt animals because they see me miles away, but theres also no weapon to find i could shoot it with, not to speak of ammo. How is it remotely realistic if you go in a house and its empty? were all the houses for sale before the apocalypse? You really should fix the loot spawn, because this way its not working Thx for the nice game anyways Lordbelakor
  2. Lordbelakor

    Survival Gear

    Would be nice if you could assamble something to put out and catch some of this rain comming down all the time