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Everything posted by Slowdownwalk

  1. Slowdownwalk

    Logged in, stuff's gone

    But what's fun without any gear? Otherwise it's just a running simulator game
  2. Back to when someone said adding more guns is unrealistic, I can't post their comment here because I'm on phone, but it makes it more realistic if anything. Go into people's house and you would see a huge variety of guns not the same 5 that are on this game
  3. Slowdownwalk

    Logged in, stuff's gone

    Alright thanks guys. It just sucks I had pristine everything, 20 cans of good can opener over 100 mosin rounds and decked out sniper
  4. Slowdownwalk

    Logged in, stuff's gone

    I tried rejoining the same one and I still lost stuff
  5. Slowdownwalk

    Logged in, stuff's gone

    I read someone else had the same problem about 2 days ago, I just don't see how I could be killed in 30 seconds after leaving when I'm camouflaged fairly well
  6. Slowdownwalk

    Logged in, stuff's gone

    I log out of a server and go to another and spawn on the beach with nothing. I double checked to make sure it wasn't a hardcore server and I seriously doubt I was killed after leaving server because I was on this hill very camouflaged. I stopped playing hoping it would be back on later. Any suggestions or happening to anyone else? Thanks in advance
  7. Slowdownwalk

    I think a glitch?

    So I was by the airfield and I desynched and so i log out of that server and switch servers. When i spawn in the new server all my stuff is gone and I have nothing.... There was only 1 other person on the server of which i desynched and I extremely doubt he came and killed me because he was not anywhere in sight. Also, when I got on the other server I could not go into 3rd person view. I hit enter and it wouldn't do anything. This happen to anyone else? Anyway to fix it?
  8. Slowdownwalk

    I think a glitch?

    so whats the difference in hardcore and just regular?
  9. Slowdownwalk

    I think a glitch?

    Weird, Logged back on and all my stuff is back. Happy it's back but still slightly confused...