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Prof. Awesome

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Everything posted by Prof. Awesome

  1. Prof. Awesome

    Compress day time

  2. Prof. Awesome

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Could it be that the six launcher is not updating the game yet? Iam still on It verifys but the Version stays the same!
  3. Hello there guys, its a old issue, but i wanna make sure that no one forgets about it. Its getting worse, in the last three days me and my friend got killed 4 Times by Hackers. Just a random Beam to somewhere on the beach and dying afterwards. With us i see at least about 100 people dying during this three days, and iam pretty sure more people died by hackers on other server. That´s bullshit and it destroys the game, i brought a couple of my friend to this game, but a few of them already decided to stop playing. It makes me angry to see how people stop playing this awesome game because of some fucking assholes. I know i know .... what you saying "don't be attached to your gear". But that's not the point, iam angry loosing my gear, but iam more angry because of the fact that whatever i just made, like finally regrouped with my friends, or fixed a car, or just survived a shootout with some shitty bandits,i could get fucked up 10 seconds later by stupid hacker. A lot a games got already destroyed, reputation is everything, especially in a game like yours, its all about, what people on the internet say about it, if in 1 months everyone says, "The game is unplayable since hackers are all over the place" no one wants to play it, and i see the success of the standalone version in jeopardy. I dont want this to happen. So please Rocket push this in priority, it kills the game, your game and our Story's! sincerly Prof. Awesome and greetings from Germany!
  4. Prof. Awesome

    Are cars still buggy?

    Aloha guys, could at be that the "save vehicle" function doesnt really work? We found cars, used them, loaded them and saved them before we logged out! We had 3 problems with cars. 1. First car was still there, the next day, but empty, one day later it was gone 2. Car saved, next day gone 3. Car saved like 5 Hours later gone. Of course someone could stole all those cars, but i highly doubt that! So the question, should cars work without exceptions?
  5. Prof. Awesome

    What is the "Humanity" thing?

    Aloha guys, i didnt played for a couple weeks and after login in 2 days ago i saw this new thing in the debug monitor called "humanity"! What´s that? I cant find something about in the Forum! greetings from Bavaria!
  6. Prof. Awesome

    Tent Hunting Success! Interesting Story!

    ^this. Why are there almost only dickheads in that game, maybe 10% of the player act like normal people! The rest is trying to be the biggest pain in the ass!
  7. Prof. Awesome

    What is the "Humanity" thing?

    Okay maybe it changes the fucked up "everyone shoots everyone" community! :) I hope so, atm its hard to be a good guy!
  8. Prof. Awesome

    What is the "Humanity" thing?

    Thx guys, i like that! I never shot some one in the game, except of he shot me first! :)
  9. Prof. Awesome

    What is the "Humanity" thing?

    If you say "hero" outfit, the first thing came into my head is the supermen suite! What is your herosuite look like! :D Are there screenshots?
  10. my wishes/ideas: - Zombie Movement and fighting Animation havet to be completly changed, i think rocket is aware of this Problem, but i think this is one of the MOST IMPORTANT things. - How about "dead" Zombies wake up if you pass or loot them! I dont talk about Zombies i just killed, but Zombies laying around for Atmosphere reasons. like beside Army Road blocks etc. - Zombies hovering and beaming trough Doors and Walls gotta get fixed!:) - I like the Idea with having Zombies in the middle of nowhere, maybe not that much, but once in a while you should get attacked by something in the woods, right now you feel save from Zeds in the Woods....you shouldnt feel save....never! - Random Chopper Supplie drops, lets say the Gouverment knows about that but cant save you from that island, but maybe drops Boxes with supplies to keep you alive until they find a solution to fight the virus. - be able to enter every house in the game would be awesome, dunno if this is possible, but it would be freaking awesome! :) - shooting zombies in legs could slow them down permantly, to make it easier to hit them in the head or escape! - would if you could use ingame Voice chat to attracted zombies, acciendly or to get them away from a house or something, like saying something or whistle makes them walk slowy in your direction sorry for the bad english! :/
  11. Prof. Awesome

    U Jelly? Showoff your Hording!

    Haaaaax! :D Nice collection u have there.... coords and server name ASAP!
  12. Prof. Awesome

    Game is... either too easy or too hard, depending.

    "Didn't see any buildings, suicide-respawn." How about using ur legs and walk until u see a house?
  13. Is there a way to talk like, really only close to me? Yesterday i meet the first dude ingame who didnt shoot me right away, and we keept talking over the ingame Voice chat, but it seems everyone in a 3 km circle can here us! Is there a ingame voice chat only for really close range? greetings from germany! :D
  14. Prof. Awesome

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    * [NEW] Set Bear Traps that break player and infected legs, kills animals, when activated fucking awesome! :D
  15. Aloha, is there a way to destroy barb wire? Those blockades start to show up everywhere and they suck! I play almost everytime on the same server and someone on it blocked the Door of one of the castles (north of cerno) that pretty much sucks, i mean, its there and no one can go in there anymore! Never! And if ppl keep doing this, earlier or later every second house is blocked with barb wire!
  16. Prof. Awesome

    Safest Way to Give Items to Others?

    Me and my friends do it also with the "open friends backpack and put it there" way! :D Works perfectly fine for us! PS: Only if the backpack of my friend is full, items disappear!
  17. Prof. Awesome

    Zombie Spawn Rate?

    Yesterday we tryd to get in a little Farm/Gasstation thing, and we saw 4 Zombies! We are 3 Friends so we decided to shoot them, right after we shot them, 3 new Zeds spawned, we were like "wtf" but we shot them too, after that 6 new zombies spawned and we decided to get the fuck out of there! When we start running we added 3 additional fresh spawned zeds! But that was in one place, we didnt had that before, and we play on this charakter now for about 6 Hours playtime! :/
  18. Prof. Awesome

    Barb wire and other Blockades!

    Oh jeah forgott to add that (biggest) problem! :D thx
  19. Prof. Awesome

    Balota Airfield

    Well the airfield get looted many times, almost everyone takes his chance there! So could be kinda "overlooted"! :D And jeah the tents, if u crawl from the site where the street passes the tents u can go in there just "v" over the fence there!
  20. Whats the deal with scavenge cities? I mean even without weapon! If u prone u can almost crawl between Zombies legs without attracting them! I dont like the no gun spawn either, but its not the big of a deal to find a hatchet or a crowbar! So u have to crawl ur way through cities till u find a weapon!
  21. Prof. Awesome

    Am i bugged?

    Well the map thing is okay, u dont have a map at the beginning! The rest is definitively buggy! :/
  22. Prof. Awesome

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Why would fog make zombies hear better? I dont get it!
  23. Prof. Awesome

    Why are there no Underground areas?

    The map is made for ARMA2, ask Bohemia, they made the map not Rocket and his crew!
  24. Prof. Awesome

    Zombie spawns inconsistent?

    jeah no, i play for quite a while now, the seem to come out of freaking nowhere to join the party :D