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Everything posted by furlean

  1. furlean

    Gaming Laptops

    Hey guys, I'm in the market for a gaming laptop due to my current personal situation. I need something that is powerful and that will play ArmA II and preferably .. ArmA III in the future to a decent standard. I understand both games are CPU hungry and I wont get the same CPU performance from a laptop than a desktop.. or so I have been told :P I was looking at the link below and comparing different laptops and they all seem very similar, if anyone has any advice or personal suggestions, I'm all ears. I am looking to spend no more than $2000 AUD. Cheers! http://computers.toptenreviews.com/gaming-laptops/
  2. furlean

    I rage quit.. I'm so sorry rocket T_T

    AHAHAHAHA! Epic Ending!
  3. First off developers.. I would like to say that the DayZ mod is easily the mother of all mods and that I have never played a zombie mod with such detail and effort in such a long time. Now .. what has really caught my ears however is the ambient music and how it immerses so well within the post-apocalypic zombie environment! Whether its sneaking past a group of zombies or bandits, blasting your way to get indoors or looting corpses in the middle of the night - you'll always get that shiver down your spine when you hear the ambient music kicking in. Is it possible for the community to download these tracks or listen to them on Youtube? Now, I know this sounds like a suggestion but while I do like the ambient music, I feel that something more could be added ... MORE AMBIENT MUSIC! I know that it may seem unimportant at the moment as you developers are working your butts off to fix more important issues and bugs in-game but would it be possible in the near future for more tracks to be added ingame? ... Cheers. ;) Now, to everyone - I highly suggest you play the game with some sort of dark ambient music on as it will make the game more immersive and will even test how you cope with making decisions under the pressure of uncomfortable music. If you would like to share some of your favourite ambient tracks with other survivors and bandits so they may listen to them as they explore Chernarus under the cover of day or night, then please feel free to do so. I personally like to use youtuberepeat.com if you are streaming the track online or you can use a music player with a 'repeat track' option if you have saved it to your PC. Cheers and Happy Hunting. :D Some of my favs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjFrfCRGJh4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm-RQAFfooQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1s2341qtE4
  4. I will admit that I do turn up gamma during the night time, but I find that half the time, it doesn't make a difference. If there is no moon on the server, or heavy forecast is set, you can't even see 2m in front of you ubless you attach flares or chemlights to yourself, regardless of what gamma setting you set.
  5. furlean

    THE Day is TOO DAMN BRIGHT Thread.

    Ahahaha, awesome troll thread troll. :D
  6. furlean

    Military loot spots

    There is a barbed-wired off military base South of Balota Airfield. There are a few tents in there but they don't spawn anything. However, there are 4 deer stands on each corner of the base that sometimes spawn military equipment.
  7. Diggin the station! Awesome songs and host! Btw, where do I post info I want to share or song requests? Cheers, Furlean.
  8. Lololol, but females can't weild weapons AFAIK :(
  9. He must of shot you from the window inside the barracks or maybe there was another person outside the barracks? Those glitches are mainly associated with ARMAs physics and game engine, nothing to do with Day Z. If you died, just start from scratch, and learn from your encounter :)
  10. Some pretty good tracks on here, would be nice if the admins could sticky this so everyone could post their fav ambient tracks :D
  11. furlean

    DayZ Lore and Backstory.

    GET OUT OF HERE STALKER! Lol sorry I just had to say that. I sorta like that story but there is currently no NPP in Chernarus so a nuclear fallout doesn't seem likely and given there is no actual radiation in DayZ... but nevertheless, its a plausible theory. :) I've always had a gut feeling that Green Mountain and the huge antenna upon it is responsible for all the Zeds. There's loads of dead soldiers around the area and if you have a radio on your character, you can actually hear a transmission sent out by the soldiers before they all died. My theory suggests that the antenna sends out some sort of telepathic messages and tasks to the zeds... sorta like the C-Con in STALKER :D I guess we will have to wait for Rocket and his team to release some sort of wacked out story line.
  12. furlean

    Perceived usefulness of Weapons.

    I prefer the Glock 17 over most sidearms because the flash-light comes in handy when you play on a server during the night-time and there is no moon. It has the best iron sights out of all the handguns, very low recoil, a 17 round magazine and a schmexy tan and black camo pattern :D. I know most people complain about the lack of stopping power on the 9mm pistols (Makarov, M9, Glock) but as long as you aim and shoot for the head on zombies and other players, you'll find you can conserve more rounds than a M1911 or a .45 Revovler as they only hold 6-7 rounds per ma gazine.
  13. Hello to all players and admins who play on DALLAS Servers. I would like to share some words with you in relation to your recent decision to set a ping limit on your DALLAS servers. I am not sure if this is a temporary or pernament decision as I have only experienced this ping limit of 220+ in the last five hours but I would like to say a couple of words in relation to the recent decision: A few of us 'overseas' players (DayZ players from outside the USA) who have played on your servers are quite upset that you have installed the ping limit on your servers as they are some of the better servers in the USA. Personally, I have only ever played on DALLAS due their being open spots and a large amount of people always playing. For some of us oceanic players, it has the lowest ping out of all the other US servers and it makes playing in a different time zone a lot easier than say playing in Europe or elsewhere. I understand that the decision of the admins and/or the server donators comes first as those individualds are willing to spend their own money to maintain their servers for the community, but realistically, if you worried about the fact that people with say 200-300 ping are going to affect the performance of the server or disrupt others gameplay, then you are mistaken. The current limit is a bit overboard IMHO. Realistically, gameplay becomes choppy after 360 m/s in ArmA and Im sure many OFP, ArmA and ArmA 2 veterans can verify this, also bandwith plays a large factor with ArmA 2 servers as you can have a high bandwith yield and yet still have a ping in the 200-300 m/s and the server will be as fine if everyone was living and playing next door to it. The main problem with de-sync and lag on all ArmA 2 servers is the amount of bandwith that players are contributing to the server, NOT ping. Anyway, I'll leave it to the community and if so, the DALLAS server owners to respond to this thread. Happy Hunting.
  14. furlean

    Let's make a list of reverse-time servers and locations

    Would be easier just to list the servers and the cities they are located in so you can contrast different time zones to your own. (IE The New York Server is located -4 GMT and the French Server is located +1 GMT. Therefore, The French Server is currently five hours ahead of the New York one). I will try and make a list of servers with their respected timezones when I get the chance.
  15. furlean

    Arnold Schwarzenegger aka Dr. k

    Ahahahaha. OMG that put a frekin smile on my face. 7:50 'AREEEE YOU FRIIIEND OR FOEEE'
  16. I have to say MooZe did a good job with creating the music in all three STALKER games, it really did hit a chord. Its such a shame the series had to die but who knows what GSC/Vostok Games will move on to with their new free MMORPG.
  17. furlean

    I found a Radio

    Hmmm .... interesting :D
  18. furlean

    IF you're a bandit READ

    No worries! Ill just have to camp the woods now and wait for you bandit scum. :D
  19. furlean

    Dedicated button for "Don`t shoot" sign

    Excellent! Love this suggestion! Would defiently help with the current direct chat problem as nearly impossible to announce to anyone that you are friendly via mic.
  20. furlean

    A hub for trading, meeting and bearing.

    Ive tried multiple times setting up a bar for adventurers in Cherno or Electro in the little corner 'Hostinic' Bars and by annoucing it over side chat, but to no avail, many people don't really pay attention to it. I guess my inspiration comes from the 100 Rads Bar in SHOC, were you could trade items, acquire food and water, and pick up missions, etc. which I think - in a way would fit perfectly in DayZ in a role play perspective :D
  21. furlean

    Bandit? Spawn without a weapon!

    As much as I hate bandits and shoot them on-site :D. I have to say I dont support this suggestion. Maybe give them two less magazines when they spawn and no food and I think that should seem fair. :D Bandit Scum.
  22. furlean

    Findable Guitars or Balalaikas

    1+ for the Stalker guitar video! I too would love to see this as well in game as it would add that sense of immersion to the actual game. We can't always be running and gunning zombies and players everytime we play.