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About SilentKiLLa

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    On the Coast
  1. I have a newly setup overpoch chernarus server. It has plot manager, door manager, 60m plot, advanced traders, elevators, group manager, weed field and dope dealer, evac heli, missions, a few scattered ai, self bb, auto refuel and mor. Need some players, hero, bandit and clans welcome. As I said it is newly setup so get in early and be one of the first to get established. More addons coming like ai bases to attack for high loot and more. Also has 24hr day/night cycle but you can vote if you dont like the current status. The server is dayz winchester cherno at Come check it out. I am SilentKilla and a friendly admin.
  2. - The Winchester Hey everybody!! I am running a dayz epoch server with the chernarus map(for now at least). I have done a lot of custom addons and more coming all the time. First off there are 3 bandit bases with ai and high value loot to keep you busy. Here is the other addons: - evac heli - bandit and hero missions - indestructible bases - bandit bases - 2 ai vehicle patrols - few random ai - self bb - lift/tow - auto refuel/repair/rearm - snap build - 1 step building - extra weapons and items in trader - pook helis for sale - safe traders I am running the server on my own so look for me i am a friendly and helpful admin. Free startker kits will be given but u must email at [email protected] and give me your ingame name. Join us we are looking for all tyoes of players, hero bandit and clans. 4hr restarts and about 30 minutes or so it is night. Facebook.com/dayzwinchester
  3. The Winchester dayz epoch server at Hey all I have a new server that has only been up for about a month. We need more players. The server has custom areas including the 'AI Stronghold' with tons of loot and vehicles, if you can take the base. A GoldMine that players can collect gold, multiple barracks, a checkpoint between Elektro and Cherno and more. Auto refuel, self bloodbag, AI missions, ai heli and vehicle patrols. The newest addition is the Evap chopper. This is a great script because I know everyone hates that long run back to your body or base to rearm. Check us out at I'm a very active, friendly and helpful admin.