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About cale

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  1. Will the servers be linked?
  2. cale

    48 Hour Restart Cycles

    With the new persistence items in the game loot is a lot harder to come across giving it more value, but i am with steakums longer resets means more lag d'sync FPS drops, I'd rather have a game with no d'sync and better fps at the moment to combat the challenges you face in dayZ instead of being beaten to death by a zombie thats d'synced out somewere in the town.
  3. cale

    Bring back old dayz!

    Epoch Killed the DayZ star.
  4. The tents work so well not even the owner can ever find them again.
  5. cale

    Melee attack button

    Im all for you baby.
  6. cale

    1911 Anyone having this problem?

    You've picked up a P1 mag havent you silly billy.
  7. cale

    Will There Ever be "Epoch" for Standalone?

  8. Sure it wasnt a private hive mate!
  9. cale

    Been gone awhile, what's new?

    What She Said.
  10. Petrol Station Bro Were All The Good Sniff Is Mate!
  11. cale

    Your fetish item

    2 Oranges, And One Banana.
  12. cale

    Suggestion for Balota

    Fuck Yeah !
  13. cale

    Screen resolution gone crazy after DAYZ crash

    Having the same problem tryed everything still no fix really starting to shit me off.
  14. cale

    Don't Go To Rify

    Ah Huwnya maheeta owwaa owaa