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About RupyHacker

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  1. RupyHacker

    DayZ Survival Guide

    Thanks man, you got some good points. However, some are already covered, especially number two, the first thing I say is get away from the coast and stay away from heavy PVP areas. Number 5 I tell various places to get food and water and I clearly state that at the time of writing it's safe to drink un-purified water and I'd update if it changed and myself and everyone I've ever played with has never had a problem filling up on water. You're likely to not be full anymore once you do find food. Number 7 I state that you can hunt and fish but I wasn't covering it in the guide but I will provide seperate tutorials in the future, if you would have noticed there's a news and updates page. As for number 10, thanks, I didn't even notice lol. That rest are great suggestions though and I'll be including them right away :D Thanks again. I appreciate it :thumbsup:
  2. RupyHacker

    DayZ Survival Guide

    Hey, I appreciate your input. And I know there's lots of guides lol. The website is actually for a class. Which class? Wait for it ..... Web Marketing .... what's that? How to market websites lol. But wait, it gets better. I've gone to school not to learn but to get the diploma because some clients want to see some sort of training. I've been building and marketing websites for like 5 years. I chose to do a DayZ guide because I like DayZ and I'll be more likely to put work into as opposed to making a site about travel or some other lame topic. Also, if you would have visited the site it's going to consist of a little, just a little bit, more than just a guide. Thanks again though. I appreciate your thoughts. :thumbsup:
  3. RupyHacker

    DayZ Survival Guide

    Hello fellow Survivors. My name's RupyHacker [programmer not a cheater] and I've decided to make a website about DayZ. a DayZ Survival guide to be exact. You can find it at SurvivingDayZ.com I'd love to hear your feedback, thoughts, suggestions on making it better etc. Thanks and I look forward to hearing your feedback.
  4. RupyHacker

    Track Suits :D

    Ya, just seen black and blue pants so far. I carried around a pair of pants for 3 days looking for a jacket to go with it lol. Till I finally died lol The search will continue with my reincarnation. Hopefully after tomorrows maintenance there will be jackets to be found lol
  5. RupyHacker

    Track Suits :D

    So I've found loads of track pants, blue and black but no track jackets. Anyone know if the track jackets are included yet? Or are they just rare. Thanks, Leo