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Everything posted by TBreezy

  1. TBreezy

    Elektro spawn gone?

    I'm not a fan of complaining and I've never even considered creating a forums account until this but...Why would you remove the Elektro spawn without any other western spawns? Return the Balota spawn at least. Let people play the game how they want to play it. That's the whole joy of an open world game. There isn't much in the game for fully geared people to do in this game at its current stage but go against other fully geared people. Also why would zombies spawn around you when you kill another zombie? why not just put more zombies in the game instead of the almost infinite cycle of insanely fast zombies (that don't even get slowed by terrain) spawning on top of you. I completely understand the game is in alpha but some things just need to be brought into consideration. -Tbreezy