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Everything posted by Thaeggan

  1. Thaeggan

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    am I the only one finding books more than finding food even in grocery stores? I've starved to death 7 times in a row now (no joke) sometimes I find a single can of something, but most of them I go without finding a single item of food.
  2. Thaeggan

    What has the standalone become ?

    the majority play those roles because there are no consequences. It's tough to play a hero or an "actual bandit", but saying your are a bandit and killing people because that's what bandits do takes no effort.
  3. Thaeggan

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Even if feces was a disease mechanic, there are plenty of other ways to do get disease into a game that would be more appealing to players. For example, hospitals have all kinds of things in them but you never see a biohazard bin which definitely would be found on the premises somewhere that you can take disease ridden things from. The game already has rotten food which would accomplish similar things as well, so why must the devs add something that is going to be so readily available and life threatening in every characters hind quarters. I know people talk about immersion and I have to agree, immersion is always something to push for in a game. However, getting the player as close to being part of the game as possible by using feces to do it is not the right way. It's going to turn more people off from the game more than anything. Sure you can argue that they aren't adult enough to separate the game and reality but I would argue that the reason why everything in the game so far is okay to players is because people don't do it in every day life (searching for food, killing, scouting towns, etc). It's exciting, it's new, and its a way to explore yourself on how far you will go whether you realize it or not. However, everyone is familiar with taking a crap and I will go out on a limb here, most people find it disgusting but we do it because it's how life works. so, that said, why would anyone want to simulate something so foul and know full well what it is like?
  4. I had a character for a little over 30 hrs of gameplay on hardcore, then I vaulted over something and died. It doesn't seem at all hard to live a long life on western side of the map which is why I've been gearing up and going east to drop supplies for bambis in need (usually running from zombies)... but that only gets me killed by a mosin when their scout bambi friend comes flying through the town like a bloodhound. New tactic... drop food with a lit gas lamp and disappear... live forever.
  5. read the first paragraph of the dev blog. Keeping my fingers crossed it actually solves it.
  6. I'm not sure what weapon to use when traversing inside of buildings. I currently have a SKS for outside shooting and wondering if switching to a pistol for indoors combat is worth bothering. I see reviews about the inaccuracy of pistols and that they take more rounds to kill a person ("2-4"), but my lack of combat experience in this game doesn't provide me with ample data to determine it for myself. I have not had any way of really testing if pistols are worth arming myself with instead of an SKS because I rarely see anyone; I put myself far away from the coast to avoid the bloodbaths. I understand that an SKS kills in a single bullet or 2, but it has a long barrel that can reveal me before my body turns the corner. However, if a pistol is a solution to that problem yet can't be a reliable killing mechanism because of inaccuracy or lack of a quick kill... why have a pistol? so, is using a pistol like an FNX45 a good idea for indoor fighting or should I just keep my SKS out at all times?
  7. Thaeggan

    Why random sound bytes/files?

    its more of a bug than place holders in my experience. My buddy and I often get haunted by sounds that follow us and play every 10 seconds or so. Usually its ammo being moved in inventory, sometimes a zombie attacking, and last night it was food being eat'n. These sounds wouldn't be so bad if they weren't suppose to be signals of other people around or if we were the only ones who could hear them <_< I mean it really sucks to have bugged sounds following you with everyone to hear, the worst was my buddy's reloading sound kept happening periodically... about every minute, talk about a dead giveaway.
  8. Thaeggan

    What are the most popular VoIP programs for DayZ?

    At the moment I use skype since I dont have more than 1 or 2 people with me; I would use in game voip if my buddies were willing. The usual reason not to is "no one is so we got to meta-game with the rest of them." The only reason that makes sense to use outside programs is the quality of the in game VOIP; it cuts out, unclear, and whispers don't get through at all. its also very comforting to be 10+ meters away from a buddy and know 100% what they said.
  9. Thaeggan

    are pistols worth using indoors over rifles?

    ya, I do this, but when I open doors I end up pretty close to where the enemy might see my gun barrel. Though now that I am thinking about it... dropping my gun from the shoulder when opening doors would solve this issue... Edit: which is probably a terrible idea... I need a buddy which I have to cover me... Also, I looked up ways to clear buildings here I play hardcore mode to get away from 3rd person shenanigans
  10. It would be overwhelming to players to have a variety of 15-20 or more types of ammo. It might work well for some veterans who have played long enough to stay on top of it and for the real hardcore players. However, I can bet my life that the majority of players aren't fans of such variety. I have experience of playing game called Firefall that started out with 6 resource types for crafting. People liked the system but there were some who demanded more to fulfill their spreadsheet fetishes. Eventually crafting moved to 16 and the crafting side of the game died for everyone except the hardcore spreadsheet users. New users get overwhelmed and immediately turn off from the idea of crafting and quite often the game as well. crafting or bullets, too much of anything turns people off
  11. Thaeggan

    Character Reset Thoughts

    character reset a problem? what happens when a character dies?
  12. supposedly there is a fix coming by the end of the month.
  13. any new info on this desync issue? I've come to the conclusion that no server is better than others at the moment when it comes to desync. Some days on a particular server, regardless of player count, I have very little issue with desync aside from weapons returning to inventory after trying to pull them out. Other days however, I can't change between weapons at all which is very odd since the game allows me to move around, tracking my movements and taking damage from zombies but, switching weapons and updating what I see is not functioning properly. I mean talk about walking into town unaware of desync and then possibly getting a shotgun blast to the face because my visuals aren't updating. Just as bad as getting chased by zombies I can't see because my friend is telling me that I got some on me, chasing them with a fire axe as I hope I don't get axed as well.