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Everything posted by atempleton

  1. Marlin Model 60 anyone? This semi automatic blowback operated .22LR Rifle was the ruler of the roost when it was first released in 1960. Being one of the first popular semi automatic .22 rifles, the Marlin Model 60 originally was built with a 17 round tubular magazine attached. There have been over 11 million Model 60's produced to this date, and many a child grew up to desire one for plinking and small game hunting. It was only until the mass production and growing popularity of the Ruger 10/22 (the ingame Sporter 22) during the late 60's and 70's that the Model 60 began to become more irrelevant - however, they are still a popular firearm today in global circulation. In Day Z, this would provide another .22 rifle alternative - which would make sense to have given the popularity of the .22LR cartridge around the world, which is undeniably the most popular firearm cartridge of all time. It is unable to be a take down rifle unlike the Trumpet, but the tubular magazine makes a nice alternative to the Sporter due to the lack of requirement to find detachable magazines - you just need ammunition, much like the Trumpet. The Model 60 can also take a scope, and the gun can be one of the later production Model 60's that only use a 14 round magazine (plus one in the chamber) so as to not make it to superior to the Sporter for anyone who can find the 30 round magazines for it. It would also lack the greater modularity of the Sporter (should tactical Sporters, spare parts, stocks, grips etc be introduced in game) but still make a nice alternative for those who do not wish to find magazines for their gun.
  2. Hunger from fully energised will last you several hours. It is not an issue. Hydration will last roughly half the time, which is intentional as the requirement for hydration is much more frequent than food, and water is far more important than food in a survival situation. Both when you are fully at that stage will last you several hours. From the get go, you can probably last 30-45 minutes before death from starvation or dehydration, which grants you plenty of time to find some food and water, or the tools required to provide a permanently self sufficient method of acquiring either. Stop searching in buildings in towns where everyone goes. Stamina is an issue to be addressed. And that is, right now the stamina survivors have is insane. They can infinitely sprint, and fully recover from completely wearing themselves out within a minute or two. They are going to introduce a weight system similar to what is in ARMA 3 at a later date. This is why if you read item descriptions, they now have approximate weights written in on them. Jumping as it currently stands is perfectly fine given the amount of weight survivors are carrying on them at any given point. A climbing system would be nice to see however. The current stepping over however grants you access over low walls and fences that a survivor carrying that amount of weight would realistically see as safe to stride over. Given how devastating sprains or fractures would be in a survival situation, I wouldn't even remotely risk trying to scale over anything that isn't a very low wall or fence, in case I tripped with the amount of equipment I'm carrying on me. You could probably walk with your food and water in reality, and I wouldn't mind seeing this occur, although I believe the animation system doesn't really support this (start changing weapons whilst running and stop mid animation and you'll see what I'm getting at.) However, you definitely can very quickly cease an action whilst you're eating or drinking - a reality that has saved me many times from accidentally pressing drink all on a jerrycan of gasoline, or when another survivor happens to enter the room I'm in. Just the other day I was eating some canned sardines and a survivor walked in the room as I was eating. I spotted him instantly, and hit cancel action. In the two seconds it took for him to draw his Mosin Nagant and take aim, I had got to my feet, was out the door and taking out my MP5, and managed to survive the encounter (albeit, very shaken afterwards for a few minutes!) As for the current consciousness system? I think it's perfectly fine given how firefights currently play out. It grants time for the assailant to execute you, but in the event that they don't do so (such as being destructed, or under fire from your friends,) it grants you enough time to regain consciousness and retreat. I survived an encounter only last night in such a manner. I was unconscious for roughly 3 minutes after taking at least 4 hits from a CR75. I shot him twice with a Magnum and killed him with my Mosin, but he hit me enough times to make me fall unconscious. I was able to regain consciousness in the active combat zone (the city was part of a designated PVP event and there was gunfire all around,) and retreat safely to bandage, treat a sprain, and leave town for half an hour or so to recover. Honestly, it is more than enough time to regain consciousness if you kill your assailant in the process, or your assailant is not in a position to execute you. Given the reality of how firefights in Day Z are (long, drawn out, and realistic with realistic firing rates, reload times etc,) for tactical fairness, the current consciousness system makes perfect sense. Even if unconsciousness is more drawn out when compared in scale to other features like hunger, it is sensible for balance purposes in gun fights.
  3. If a compact 2 slot .380 firearm was to be added I'd rather see a Taurus Curve to be honest: It looks very badass and space agey in design, and is ultra compact. The curve is supposed to make it more comfortable to hold and shoot, and they come with built in flashlights and laser sights (just attach a battery!) Also, this gives you a rough idea of the size: They use 6 round detachable magazines, and have no sights, so you do have to use the laser to get the full effect of the handgun. They are very short ranged however. This provides an alternative to the Derringer for an ultra compact pistol.
  4. Ruger Gunsite Scout: The Ruger Gunsite Scout is an expensive, but highly desired .308 Scout rifle since it's release in 2011. It is a bolt action rifle that fires a .308 Winchester cartridge (with a .223 model announced in 2014 on its way,) from a fairly compact and lightweight package. It is only 1m long, with a weight of only 3.2kg. It has a built in kick pad to help reduce the recoil impulse of such a large caliber round being fired from a small rifle, and comes default with peep iron sights attached with a picatinny rail. Because of this picatinny rail, it is capable of using any Zeiss or other optics that use picatinny rails (meaning this rifle can use both the ACOG style sights and the Hunting Scope.) Magazine is a 10 round detachable magazine. Basically, this rifle will perform the role of the Winchester, but slightly better, but requires much more investment into the gun as you need to find the magazine to use it properly. The bullet drop will also be slightly more due to the shorter barrel. With the upcoming FN FAL also, it could possibly be made to be able to use the same magazines as the FN FAL, though I do not know if they are interchangeable. Here's a video of it: And here's a nice photo of it:
  5. atempleton

    Dark nights? Where'd they go? Also: Thunder?

    Dark nights as they currently stand are quite accurate. Someone who functions for longer than 10 minutes in the dark has their eye sight begin to adjust to the lighting and see as well as you currently do at night. They cannot differentiate colour though. That being said, I miss the old lightning. Would be awesome to have lightning strikes and the old sounds return. Perhaps lightning strikes could even start fires around the areas they strike?
  6. Trains can be done, but half the railroads are blocked by debris, other trains, and such. Furthermore, you need to keep in mind that the railway across Chernarus is single track only, so you should only be able to in this case have access to one working train on the whole map. Plus, given that the train can only go along tracks, people are always going to be stealing it off you, it wouldn't be worth investing in, and some of the track layout across Chernarus would certainly only be able to support trains moving at very low speeds, particularly the tracks around Svet and Novo. Even if you plan on using it to move bulk cargo/loot, how are you going to transport it to the train? There aren't any nearby rail lines to any of the major military bases. There really wouldn't be any reason to do trains, except for fun.
  7. atempleton

    When you know you play too much Dayz :p

    Things after Day Z and YouTube I've had: -I decided I will *eventually* buy a Mosin and heaps of 7.62x54R for when shit hits the fan. Turns out they're dirt cheap and piss easy to maintain and run too. I'm tiny though so would have to beef up to take the recoil. -I thought I could try and make a bow out of a rope and tree branch. Greatly mistaken. -I always keep a fishing hook in my boonie hats. -I looked around old information from the family to find my blood type. Turns out I'm A+ and my wife is A-, as is our daughter. We're screwed. -If I see a fire in the distance I wonder if I can find myself a nice M4. -My favourite food is now Heinz Baked Beans.
  8. atempleton

    Does Cooking Still Work?

    When you cook fish it still says raw fish fillet. You can eat it, but it seems all cooked meat will give you food poisoning and human meat even when cooked will always give you brain flu + food poisoning. I just avoid eating people, and always carry charcoal tabs when fishing. Or better yet, I rely on growing pumpkins which is faster in the long run, produces more food, and is 100% safe so long as you don't eat rotten food.
  9. atempleton

    The struggle of ghillie snipers

    Camouflage has its place in survival, for hunting and for harder detection in hostile environments. However, Ghillie Suits are the worst thing for survival. You will quickly overheat and dehydrate yourself and they are big and clumsy. Honestly, digital camouflage (like the USMC clothing) is the most effective camouflage out there, whilst not killing yourself wearing it.
  10. Not if it's a broad head, as the tip of the arrow will continue to cause lacerations internally. A field tip like the composite arrows however are better to leave in until you have better medical aid available.
  11. atempleton

    Hotkey for Flashlights

    Exactly what the title says got flashlights and weapon flashlights.
  12. atempleton

    Life after death

    What about people just taking loot off the body?
  13. atempleton

    Improvised Iron sight, Conceal items in books, and wooden shiv

    I would love to see improvised scopes through the method you mentioned. Could also be added to the Improvised Bows, or Recurve Bows too when they come out.
  14. atempleton


    It would be graphics intensive I imagine to have swaying trees, grass etc. If it can be done though, it would be amazing. It would instantly further add to the atmosphere AND the camouflage and concealment element.
  15. I have never died of starvation or dehydration since 0.54 or 0.55. Loot is plentiful, and you can easily just live off the land for sustanance through fishing or horiticulture.
  16. atempleton

    so how good is the UMP 45 in 0.58 stable?

    The UMP is a monster. I racked up 7 kills in one life with it, all on people armed with guns. It has very low and controllable recoil with a high damage rate that kills in 2-3 hits. It shines at medium range especially when you have the Aimpoint on. That being said, the MP5 with compensator and buttstock is better at short range, due to sheer fire rate. But beyond point blank range the UMP takes over. Also ignore the degradation lies. I put 150 rounds through one and it was still pristine.
  17. The design and action of the MP133 and AKM don't allow for sawing off. The Blaze does, and I think it should be possible. With that said I know you can fit optics to the M44 if you put a PU Sniper bolt on, and I guess if they make it defaulted with that curved bolt like the 91/30 that would be fine.
  18. atempleton

    Mosin Carbine

    Just a simple suggestion for Mosin Lovers - the Mosin M44 Carbine. Pretty much takes up the same number of slots as SMG's in game, the M44 can also use the compensator but no PU scope. It would also have shorter range and less accuracy, with significantly higher recoil and a very large muzzle flash. It also has a permanent bayonet (perhaps right clicking unfold bayonet replaces firing with stabbing, much like the Trumpet when you disassemble it?) Would be nice to have the Carbine as an alternative for full size Mosins, for those wanting a more compact medium-long range weapon, with the Obrez remaining as the ultra compact Mosin but near useless at any range further than 10m.
  19. atempleton

    Mosin Carbine

    Yes, but the sawn off is incredibly inaccurate and short ranged with no sights. Only useful for 10m and designed as a concealed gun you can whip out at point blank range as an emergency weapon. This idea gives you a bigger Mosin with more range and accuracy and sights, but also takes up 3 times the space.
  20. Mosin Nagant M44 or M91/59 people? Carbine Mosin that can't take a PU, and has less range and accuracy with more muzzle flash, but can fit in a High Cap vests like SMG's?
  21. atempleton

    A Carnival Location in Chernarus

    I would suggest a carnival if added, be located between Chernogorsk and Prigorodki, or in the fields southwest of Vybor. And yes, clown zombies are absolutely mandatory.
  22. atempleton

    Mosin Carbine

    And this is just another variant of Mosin, on top of the 91/30, that is just as beautiful. If you want to make the carbine that looks even better (though is less common) you could also go for the 91/59 if you prefer just looks.
  23. atempleton

    Crossbow Breakdown

    You could always carry the Crossbow and a Longhorn if you need an accurate firearm. You can also interchange their scopes.
  24. atempleton

    Musical Instruments

    You can get your Smoke on The Water on as soon as I can blast you in the face with my fire extinguisher.
  25. atempleton

    Spawn location suggestion...

    No. People will respawn and gear up immediately by setting up tents near NWAF and similar locations, avoiding the long migration time westwards as you look for loot. They may also place tents right outside a combat zone and use them to respawn and go straight back to the fight. Tents are designed for a hidden base and storage. They shouldn't be a respawn point.