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Everything posted by atempleton

  1. Subcompact Pistols Time? I think so. So howabout the PF9? The PF9 is a subcompact 9mm pistol developed by Kel-Tec in America for the purpose of every day carry/concealed carry and budget self defense. The gun is a simple, lightweight 9mm semi automatic pistol that Kel-Tec claims is the lightest and flattest 9mm pistol ever mass produced - the gun itself weighs only 360g. It holds a 7 round magazine of 9mm and has retail prices going for very relatively costs for a semi automatic pistol - often at $250USD or less. It uses a simple short recoil operation and is double action only with no external safety, designed to quickly put down a single attacker in an altercation (such as its infamous usage by George Zimmermann on Trayvon Martin.) It is reasonably accurate and easy to aim with its simple front blade and rear notch sights. The sights all have white dots on them as well to aid in having a clear sight picture in low light conditions. In Day Z this gun is likely to be on par effectiveness wise as the Makarov Pistol, and offers the user a choice - do I take the larger Makarov pistol with better accuracy and an extra round in the magazine, or do I take the PF9 with its smaller size and slightly more powerful rounds? The pistol will also give Derringer users an alternative - two high power shots of .45ACP and no need for a magazine, or 7 shots of lower power 9mm and a detachable magazine and quick reload. It will only take up 2x1 slots in the inventory. The firearm will also only be able to be found in residential spawns, so may also be slightly more difficult to find than the Makarov. It may also mount a pistol flashlight giving this pistol an advantage over the Makarov and Derringer which cannot use flashlights, but it will not be able to use the pistol suppressor that other pistols use.
  2. atempleton

    Cut 12 gauge shells to make slugs

    Slugs can easily go out to 100+ yards accurately from a smoothbore barrel.
  3. atempleton

    RICE Treatment for Sprains

    Simple but somewhat a nice suggestion I believe for the medical side of the games - have an item called a compression sock, or compression strap, compression bandage, something similar along those lines that can be used to treat a sprained ankle. This will save you having to use a splint or morphine, the former of which should make it difficult to walk or use the limb properly and the latter is only temporary. I did just that today at work and can't walk at the moment, so I kinda just got the idea this morning. Please make my current lack of income not occur in vain. XD
  4. atempleton

    Will we ever get these old things in the game back

    The tactical vest was scrapped due to clipping issues, being ripped straight from ARMA 3 and all. I do wish that empty cans were returned to the game though as it could be used to help track down players who previously had come through, if you make them last say 30 minutes. I also kinda wish they followed through with adding the Kar98k (it was shown off in the original trailer of Day Z) though it does appear to have been made redundant by the Mosin Nagant and the Winchester Model 70. Utes would have been nice too, as the large military airfield on the island would help generate traffic between Skalisty Island and the Mainland.
  5. atempleton

    Make towns unique with unique loot?

    I wouldn't mind finding a giant hardware store in say a location like Sverograd. EVERYTHING INDUSTRIAL.
  6. atempleton

    RICE Treatment for Sprains

    Hospitals, first aid kits, medical clinics. Can also be made out of say 50% of a bandage.
  7. Currently we only have two states of weather - raining and sunny. This is a simple suggestion, but could really effect your gameplay experience and immersion I believe - extra weather effects, or maps of Chernarus modified to emulate natural disasters. Ultimately one of the primary impediments in any disaster situation or survival situation is the weather, and this should ultimately be represented in game through conditions such as the following: Snow, Ice & Blizzards: Whilst likely to be rare in a country like Chernarus, snow is still quite possible to have and should affect the temperature, obviously increasing risks of hypothermia meaning not being properly clothed can get you killed quicker. The cold temperature may even come with ice. Ice can safely be navigated with appropriate footwear. Having no footwear will cause severe health risks on top of the already existing damage due to skin coming into contact with the cold, and again cause risks of hypothermia. This will make it possible to cross the lakes instead of navigate around them, and also perhaps more important provide a rare opportunity to walk across to the Prison and Skalisty Island, rather than the long, slow and risky process of swimming. Finally the snow will change the landscape to layers of white from the snow itself, giving a perfect opportunity to use Winter Hunting clothing - possibly catching out players who don't carry spare changes of clothes caught out. Storms & Flash Floods Currently we already have rain in the game, and storms simply increase the rate of rainfall (so slightly worse weather affects than rain) but more importantly, may cause flash flooding of the various lakes and creeks in game. ARMA 2 had a scenario in the ACR DLC that contained a flooded Elektro, where you conducted search and rescue in a boat of civilians trapped on top of buildings: Obviously flash flooding creates hazards such as the water itself, but provides new and interesting ways of navigation as well such as being able to swim or drive boats to access rooftops, and increased risks of catching various infections or diseases such as Cholera. Hail can also come infrequently with storms, and when hail does come standing outside will begin to cause you to lose blood, be dazed, gain shock damage, bleed etc. Heat Waves In Chernarus, heat waves are a potential weather condition that could occur infrequently to frequently I imagine, and could provide an interesting challenge for survivors. Obviously, the risk of dehydration is significantly higher, and staying out in the sun for too long could cause risks of hyperthermia or rapid dehydration. This will make water a much highly desired commodity/resource and people may get more desperate over it, killing others for it if need be. Finally, fires can possibly break out in some forests and other wilderness locations, leaving them unable to be accessed safely (rapidly killing those who approach the fire) and also possibly causing a risk to people's bases and damage of tents and items inside them. Make sure you pack a singlet or t-shirt because it's about to get really hot when a heat wave strikes! Predicting The Weather: Weather prediction will be a vital skill for survivors to learn to be able to predict the patterns approaching of weather, so there will be various signs to look for. For storms for example, one can simply look at the clouds or measure the air pressure with barometers. Thermometers can also be used to measure air temperature. Status reports (the annoying little messages in the bottom left hand corner of the screen) can also be provided occasionally by the player to alert the player through things like saying, "The air feels so hot," or, "I can smell rain in the air." Approaching hail storms could also be predicted because of the notable greenish tinge that appear in the clouds. Snow storms can be predicted by chilly breezes coming through the air. This will help players prepare for the approaching weather condition, which is likely to come within an hour. Finally, all public servers should have weather patterns implemented, so as to promote unpredictability in game play to keep gameplay interesting, and players on their toes. What's everybody thoughts on this?
  8. First non random guy I ever saved in the mod were two clan mates in Elektro absolutely overwhelmed by zombies. I helped them out with my Winchester 1866 and during our final stand in a wooden house, with low blood, my debug monitor counted some ridiculous amount of zombie kills (think it was 70-80,) and the Winchester 1866 instantly got cemented in my heart as my favourite zombie shooter in the mod. I imagined we collectively killed over 100 zombies during that final stand in the house, and surprisingly nobody came over and tried to kill us. All my ammo was gone, and I would have had at least 150 rounds in that rifle. First random guy I ever saved in the mod was in Elektro getting chased by 2 bandits. One had a hatchet and the other had a 1911. I dropped them both with my Lee Enfield, and patched up the bambie who was bleeding from taking a pistol bullet, before giving him a blood bag. He was very grateful, and I rolled with him for a while before he had to log. First random guy I ever saved in Standalone was a fresh spawn with broken legs getting eaten by zombies after someone shot at him (whom he successfully killed with his SKS.) I started cleaning them up with my Mosin and saved his hide, during which he passed out and nearly bled to death. He was thankful and let me keep that guy's stuff. First non random guy I ever saved in Standalone was a friend I had on Steam. He had like 4 or 5 psychos chasing him with fireaxes whilst he was a fresh spawn that I cleaned up real quick with my M4A1. Was quite a hilarious thing to listen to his absolute screams of terror in direct chat though.
  9. atempleton

    What are the best towns to loot in DayZ?

    Just go any town inland. If you want civilian guns that you can snipe with, hit up towns like Staroye, Kozlovka, Pusta etc. These towns very rarely are looted out and can be accessed to get you moderately geared within 20 minutes of spawning.
  10. atempleton

    Locations of Mags, for the sporter.

    The Sporter 10 and 30 round magazines can easily be found in most residential spawns and deer stands. The Sporter is an amazingly versatile gun. If you're using the scope, stick to 100-200m and just plink away at enemies. If you're within 100m, I would recommend you stick to iron sights. I'd also advise that you do not rush targets because the damage per second is far too low to make the gun viable for short ranges - even though the irons are only zeroed to 50m, do not get that close to your targets with a Sporter. Also try to go for headshots, because with the sheer weight of fire you'll be putting down range on targets, much like a shotgun you're going to ruin all their gear. The gun is amazing at medium range and so economical when it comes to ammunition (50 round stacks and they're very easy to find!) but it isn't for the faint hearted. I generally prefer to stick to the Mosin or SKS with a PU scope if I want to engage at medium range.
  11. atempleton

    Randomly locked doors and car trunks

    I wouldn't mind it, it indeed makes absolutely no sense that every single door in a country that mind you has just come out of a civil war is not locked. I'd also expand that onto vehicles that you find as well.
  12. atempleton

    Anybody els noticed the m249 Para is comming?

    I once ran with an MG only squad of about 4 guys, lying down on Pik Kozlova between Cherno and Elektro... Good god anyone who came waltzing down the highway or driving down it must have been absolutely horrified. 2 of us had SAWs, one a MK48 and I had an M240 lol.
  13. atempleton

    Atlas Bipod on AK 74! Useful?

    The ATLAS bipod tremendously reduces recoil. For maximum effect, use it on an AKM and watch that thing hit true with those nasty 7.62x39mm rounds... Lots of carnage.
  14. atempleton

    Anybody els noticed the m249 Para is comming?

    You do realize in the mod that the M249 could use the M16's STANAG magazines right lol?
  15. The Remington 870 was confirmed to be added into Dayz Standalone over two years ago now. The WIP was released - and now over two years later we still haven't seen its appearance in game. Have the devs decided to not add it in now due to the MP-133 being in game as a pump action shotgun instead or something?
  16. atempleton

    Sniping should be a soft skill

    Shotgun at long range... What.
  17. The Mosin is an amazing weapon because of its versatility with the PU Scope and its power and sustained fire capabilities over other higher caliber firearms (besides the SVD,) though it does lack the zoom and thus the range and precision of the Blaze and Winchester when they are using the Hunting Scope. However, in almost every sniping situation I've been in the Mosin has been more than adequate with accuracy and zoom, and I've generally been able to outshoot other snipers and even some automatic armed players in some medium-long range gunfights thanks to the quick reload of the Stripper Clips and 5 round magazine capacity. This makes it superior for sustained fire over the Blaze (as the Blaze has a lengthy reload every two shots,) and the Winchester (as the Winchester has no speed reloading system,) whilst the open sight picture of the PU Scope over the Hunting Scope means it is easy to realign your shots onto the target and fire again. The ability to spray paint the Mosin and add a Recoil Compensator makes it even more versatile and suited to sniping roles in many aspects as well. I almost always use the Mosin over the Winchester, but that being said, I do absolutely love the Blaze with Hunting Scope for dedicated sniping over the Mosin, simply because of that near instant follow up shot capability.
  18. atempleton

    System to Discourage Execution

    We're all familiar with how it happens. You'll be looting and minding your own busy when you suddenly fall unconscious from a gunshot. The guy comes over to your location, and executes you so he can safely loot, or before your buddies can save you, or because he feels like being a dick. So I figured I would suggest a few things that could make unconscious players less of a perceived threat, such as: -Increase unconsciousness periods by upping shock values of blows to the torso and head. -Those who are bleeding and unconscious WILL NOT WAKE UP WITHOUT HELP. -Waking up will be followed by say a period of 5 minutes of slow, lethargic movements and low stamina. -Unconscious players have rag doll animations like dead players and appear to be dead, requiring a pulse check to confirm. Thoughts?
  19. atempleton

    System to Discourage Execution

    I agree, people who want to kill you will kill you because they can. But people who fire in panic mode on somebody when startled, or incapacitate someone with the intention of keeping them alive, will be more able to safely do so with such a system, so the likelihood of being executed is nevertheless going to be reduced.
  20. atempleton

    Spawn with random genetic predisposition to diseases to add variety

    HIV is an immuno deficiency virus that is incurable. By constant reinforced use of antibiotics and vitamins, you are strengthening/stimulating your immune system to try and increase its strength and resistance to other diseases. Realistically this doesn't do much in the scheme of things but it DOES have an effect, even if it is practically negligible. However, for gameplay/fun sakes, we can have consuming of a vitamin or antibiotic tablet bringing a HIV suffering survivor's immune system back to full strength for say a 15 minute period of time. Without using these to boost the immune system, we can give them a 100% chance of contracting diseases such as influenza or cholera should the player come into contact with these infections. No, just know a lot of people in the industry and have learned a bit about different things from my research.
  21. I also will say that the Mosin with PU is great too. It can do quick reloads unlike the Winchester and that recoil compensator and open sight picture from the PU make it very easy to aim accurately with. You just lack the extreme precision and range of the Winchester and Blaze.
  22. atempleton

    MP5 vs UMP

    Which SMG do you prefer personally? I am looking for a close range backup weapon for my Mosin PU. Also, what attachments do you suggest for the SMG?
  23. The SVD is by far the most superior sniping weapon, but if you can't find the rifle and mags take the Blaze. As a backup to the Blaze I use the FNX or AKS74U.
  24. atempleton

    Sniping should be a soft skill

    No. Never. It's way too easy to die and lose everything in Day Z to warrant a levelling system of any kind, besides natural loot progression. It also detracts away a player's own aiming skills in favour of pleasing noobs and idiots who run through wide open fields. The only thing that should ever occur to make shooting more general is wind, and that should be fairly mild generally.
  25. Currently in police stations the Makarov, CR75, MP133 Pistol Grip, PM-73 RAK and MP5K spawn in police stations. Yet, 5.45x39mm ammo spawns in them, which to me implies that the police units in Chernarus also use AK74 variants. Furthermore, currently the AKS-74U seems to be underused compared to the other available SMGs, due to its only proliferation being in military bases with magazines that somewhat take some effort to locate, and lack of attachments available. Given how common place AKS-74Us are in Ex-Soviet nations (which Chernarus is supposed to be) among police agencies, it makes sense to me that they also spawn in police stations to a limited degree, with magazines also spawning. I would suggest they spawn slightly less than the MP5K, and indeed they would look perfect to compliment the police or OREL uniforms/kits. They also wouldn't be too overpowered if they spawned there either, because the AKS-74U is terrible compared to other guns at ranges beyond 150m, and they lack attachment availability of other AKs and SMGs. In addition to that, I think the CR527 also should be available at police stations, or other similar light .223/M43 rifles, to simulate the role of police carbine/marksman rifles. Currently it is underused due to the lack of availabilities of magazines and rifle, and it being underpowered compared to the Winchester Model 70 and Mosin Nagant 91/30. Given that such lightweight/lower powered bolt rifles are popular for police marksmen, it would make sense that these rifles spawn (though I wouldn't spawn them with hunting scopes.) Alternatively, other rifles such as Remington 700P's in 5.56 could spawn there, if they were ever to be added in by the devs.