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Everything posted by RachetSmurf

  1. RachetSmurf

    Hacking I'm F^&king tired of it.

    You need to follow the announcements and Rockets posts. Hacking was already covered, go read it.
  2. RachetSmurf

    Possible Hunger/Thirst Improvement.

    Definitely great imagery to demonstrate your idea. Agree that percentage is a bit much, but the rest is great.
  3. RachetSmurf

    Game needs to be more fun than fake realism

    I've done the same, and I'm finding plenty of stuff. I keep dying because I don't know how to take care of myself yet, trial and error seems to be working though. The more I play the more I learn. I'm not having any issues finding supplies.. finding it every where.
  4. RachetSmurf


    I wouldn't bother with these posts. Ghosters are not worth the time.
  5. RachetSmurf

    Freeside Whiners

    Search Freeside on DayZ forums.. I bet we're mentioned a lot more then your group is. If we're insignificant then you're non-existent in the community. Seeing as how we've been attacked basically the last 4-5 operations/events and haven't banned a single player, and in the last month and a half have not banned anyone else despite numerous battles and clashes.. I would say this is very far from the truth. On top of that, constantly attacked by hackers. We've also repelled numerous people from our ops (legit attackers) with no complaints, even when we take casualties. Your group is the first we've come across with weird login text and banned for investigation. We've been attacked by ghosters before and they were not banned. The fact is, no one in our group is attached to gear.. we've become immune to its loss and gear up very easily. We enjoy conflict and confrontation from bandits.. so there's absolutely no reason to ban people who simply attack us or even do well. Our small team that was defeated at DC was no where near the size of the force that was on route, it was just a small advanced force to secure the area.. why would we ban you when we could enjoy taking it back, and probably with ease. No.. you were banned due to the suspicious activity we saw and recognized (whether we were right or wrong) during the heat of battle. I think it's time for you to get over it. If mistakes were made, then shit happens. Go look at all the other ban appeals, TONS of admins make mistakes.. stop acting like all admins should be infaliable. That's just ridiculous. I'd rather ban someone on suspicioun and revoke it later (after investigating) then just ignore it anyday. You really need to drop it.. you're not going to get any sort of retribution. Just deal with it.
  6. RachetSmurf

    Freeside Whiners

    Guys, if you want to have a real battle with other groups, then join the server and attack it legit. This ghosting/exploiting crap is cowardly. We were actually looking forward to a legit fight too. And yes, the first guy to unload on our team ghosted in right beside them. Logs can't prove ghosting.. but that's not what you were banned for.
  7. We've had many bandits attack and then die. :) Just adds more loot for us to trade. We have a lot of people, usually much more then people can muster and we're outfitted fairly well.
  8. We've already facilitate a shit load of trades, all successful.. not to mention trade events.
  9. RachetSmurf

    M4A1 CCO

    Freeside Guarded Trades Or attend one of our Trade Events. Click on the forum link in my sig!
  10. RachetSmurf

    Trade Zones

    Player run free zones, mean you protect the other survivors yourself.. instead of being automated. Freeside does this well, except when we encounter hackers.. then what can you do right?
  11. RachetSmurf

    Bullets for currancy

    Someone on our forums had mentioned this idea already. Technically this is already in effect in a way. If you offer ammo, someone is willing to trade weapons/items for it. :)
  12. RachetSmurf

    Buying A Ghillie Suit

    We've been doing quite well. We've had multiple ops, lots of traders.. I'd say we're pretty successful so far. You should check out our forum.. see my sig.
  13. RachetSmurf

    Freeside Trading Co.

    We don't hack Maximus.. that would defeat the purpose.
  14. RachetSmurf

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Just a heads up Maximus, during our operations we're often waylaid by hackers. So just keep that in mind.. also if you have buddy's who hack leave them at home.. it would be nice to see a legitimate attempt to take us down. So far, we've come out ahead against any attack, however not much you can do against cowardly hackers. Also we always recover our goods. :)
  15. RachetSmurf

    Hacker on Freeside 2

    I found the vehicle. Was south west of vybor with all the equipment the guy had and tons of rounds.. fully repaired. When I tried to exit the car it would not let me so I logged out.
  16. RachetSmurf

    Want a tent, have a M4A1 CCO SD [Trade]

  17. RachetSmurf

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Best thing to do is visit our forums and make a post in trade forum - http://freesidetrading.co/ .
  18. RachetSmurf

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Very. We have a standard ROE and we will specifc to you in direct chat with instructions on approach. We never shoot on site, not unless engaged.
  19. This is basically the game I want to play. Hopefully Rocket reads this post.
  20. RachetSmurf

    Truth Time Rockett

    Troll. Someone in need of some attention it seems.
  21. RachetSmurf

    Freeside trading co.

    I know this is an old post, but we've actually effectively defended operations many times now and easily from bandits. Only hackers are really a problem for us now.
  22. RachetSmurf

    Requesting help from freeside

    How are we supposed to know you need help if you're posting here? We might come across your post. We have a forum specifically for requests to Freeside and teamspeak. See my signature.
  23. RachetSmurf


    I'm with Freeside, and trust me no one removes our fences during our operations. Fences should be used in conjunction with good patrols/overwatch. You can't expect it alone to fend of people.
  24. RachetSmurf

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Man, the hackers have really been targeting us lately. We must be popular or something. I guess it helps when we post location and time. :) Oh well.. the ops are still fun regardless.
  25. RachetSmurf

    Hacker - Seattle 104 - "asdfnwuidk"

    I was the first one to die. I shot him 6 or 7 times in the head and he just turned around and killed me. He took no dmg at all.