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Wrinkled Sack

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Everything posted by Wrinkled Sack

  1. Wrinkled Sack

    First days impression from a game oldtimer

    Great first post, nice to read an experience that positive. I can echo it, I remember getting the DOOM 3.5" floppy demo in one of the early PC Gamer magazines LOL. How awesome was that, compared to the other crap that was out there at the time? Similarly with HalfLife, some games you always remember as groundbreaking - and it wasn't about the graphics, it was the GAMEPLAY. This game has scared me half to to death more times than I can count, made me ashamed of myself, made my heart pound so hard I thought it would explode, given me an opportunity to feel great about being altruistic, and provided me enough justifiable rage to spawn and re-gear multiple times to track down and kill some real assholes. To all the people who say it's "boring", I'd say you're probably describing yourselves and your play style more than anything. It's truly groundbreaking gameplay, with a huge potential for real emotional connection. I hope it attains the apogee of gaming greatness I think it has the potential for.
  2. Wrinkled Sack

    Night Time

    So awesome... :D have beans.
  3. Wrinkled Sack

    Would you want foldable clothing in DayZ?

    I think it would be cool to be able to change from a woodland camo-type outfit to something a little more urban for city work. At least be able to carry 2 outfits in one slot would be helpful I think.
  4. ...and it should be based on hours played, not "world time". Obviously you couldn't make players stay asleep for hours on end, but maybe 5 minutes? There should be a real health benefit to sleeping (and as a corollary a health detriment for not sleeping). Maybe your vision gets blurry and you slow down, movement becomes sluggish... I think it would add an interesting twist, having to hunt for a safe place to crash for a few zzz's. What say you?
  5. Wrinkled Sack

    There should be a physical need to sleep...

    If you read the OP, you'll notice I did mention a duration of MAYBE 5 minutes... or do you only play 15 minutes at a time? Dayz Origins gives you the option to sleep and recover health - it works fine, albeit for a duration of only 45 seconds or so. I think I'd have the patience to wait it out for the reward of a healthy, refreshed character. Maybe you're lacking that virtue. COD awaits...
  6. This happens every time I join a server after logging out inside a building. I can see through the walls, and the loot is floating in space. Only lasts for a second or two, but it's a regular thing afaik.
  7. Wrinkled Sack

    Mountain Pack vs. Hunting Pack

    Yes. Would you rather have 5 extra slots, or stand a far better chance of not being seen by a-hole bandits?
  8. Wrinkled Sack

    Impression of Standalone (from a DayZ Mod Veteran)

    Insert "We got a badass here" meme. I read the disclaimer, I accept the fact the game is incomplete. I won't bother embarrassing myself with petulant rants.
  9. Wrinkled Sack

    Walking puts me in Prone, can't get out of it..

    I have a similar issue: was walking through Elektro, heard a loud bang, now I have a black screen with white writing on it. Can somebody help me troubleshoot this phenomenon? :P
  10. Wrinkled Sack

    Lost on the map

    Compasses are very common in firehouses, I've seen 3 on one set of shelves before. I have a tough time getting my bearings without one... one of the first things I hunt down.
  11. Wrinkled Sack

    My DayZ Adventures (Pictures)

    Camo Mosin FTW!
  12. Or go where people don't normally go. You can run to the north end of the map in 30 minutes, chances are good you can find loot up there.
  13. Sporting a tactical vest seems to make a big difference. I've been hit multiple times with little effect.
  14. Wrinkled Sack


    REALLY?? Damn, I guess that's the kind of thing you miss when always playing solo.
  15. Wrinkled Sack

    The "Compass Bearing" game...

    Here's a fun little game I play, keeps my navigation skills sharp. I pick a spot on the other side of the map I want to go (ie. from NEAF to NWAF), look at a map, set a compass bearing, double click ALT and W (jam a pen top in my keyboard) and RUN FOREST RUN! I can almost hit a target building sometimes... WHEEEEEEEEE!!!
  16. Wrinkled Sack

    Dealing With Loss

    I like to alternate, one serious life with one that's just ridiculous. Keeps it fresh, especially if my character has been in "serious" mode for dayz and dayz and dayz...
  17. Wrinkled Sack

    Is my steam name what others see on the player list?

    Yeah, that took me a few days to figure out, too.
  18. Wrinkled Sack

    Was it a mistake picking up a press vest?

    I'd hunt you down for that vest... but then some other a-hole would hunt me down. So no, I'd leave you alone. LOL.
  19. Wrinkled Sack

    best player/videos in dayz?

    Subbed to both, will watch when I get home from work lol. Sinphaltimus, man you've got a lot of content! Have some beans.
  20. Wrinkled Sack

    The Sporter is NOT useless

    After many hours of scavenging I had 2 30 round mags for the Sporter, but could not find the rifle. I was dying to try it, and held on to them. Finally found one, but as I had a decked out Mosin I just fired a few rounds at zombies and then abandoned it all. I didn't see the point of making it my primary - unless I was merely surviving in the forest and using it for rabbits. Having a one-shot-kill primary for anti-asshole purposes is more important to me right now.
  21. Wrinkled Sack

    Sudden death

    Yeah, I'd guess somebody blew you a 7.62mm kiss from way out. Cheeky.
  22. Wrinkled Sack

    Your body Feels wet?

    ... and your name is Mr Jizz. :D Have my beans, Mr Jizz, they'll go great with that glass of "milk" ROFL
  23. Wrinkled Sack

    Your body Feels wet?

    I picked up a yellow raincoat because it was pissing down, and still continued to get the "you are completely soaking" messages. So I looked ass, stuck out like a sore thumb, and was still wet. Tears were produced. Luckily they were disguised by the raindrops.
  24. I don't have to run faster than the zombie, I just have to run faster than you. Making you crawl just increases the differential. :P
  25. Wrinkled Sack

    How careful are you?

    Does it really matter if you're careful? I've tried that, still do I guess, but I've been on a server with 1 other player, literally in the middle of nowhere, feeling safe and alone, and BOOM shot in the face. So either you're on edge all the fucking time, or you run around and have fun. You never know where people are, and from the amount of time I spend out in the boonies, I know I'm there so presumably others are too... so I mostly race around and have fun. Unless I'm "hunting".