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About ricmarkes

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  1. ricmarkes

    [TLC] Overpoch Napf

    More people is coming everyday. Try it too.
  2. ricmarkes

    [TLC] Overpoch Napf

    Come and get established!
  3. ricmarkes

    [TLC] Overpoch Napf

    Try it out!
  4. ricmarkes

    help me find a server?

    Try TLC NAPF. It's the better balanced overpoch server you can find these days. Stay away from the CCG and MGT bullshit. Those servers have nothing to do with dayz.
  5. ricmarkes

    [TLC] Overpoch Napf

    People are coming and liking it. Try it out.
  6. ricmarkes

    [TLC] Overpoch Napf

    Come and try the server.
  7. ricmarkes

    [TLC] Overpoch Napf

    Join us! (bump)
  8. I'm a long time player in this server and do not have any relation with the admins or owners. My intention is to bring new players to it, since it's dying after the recent Steam migration. This is not a MGT/CCG server type, where everything is made easy for you. It has all the most common features (auto refuel/repair, deploy bike on respawn, auto bloodbag, tow/lift, safezones at traders, take clothes), but it's not a "get rich fast" server, being balanced to give you a hard time to get established. Why I love this server (and some of you will also love it): Reduced starting gear (machete, map, painkiller and morphine, possibility to deploy bike);Balanced loot tables (M107, KSVK are very rare). You will not see a lot of people running with these types of weapons;No OP weapons or vehicles (best vehicle you can get is an expensive armed vodnik, no AS50 or Cheytac); Balanced prices with big gaps between buy and sell prices (removing money from the economy if you prefer to buy rather than loot), expensive food and drink, no buying medicines, no buying combo-locks, expensive building materials;Higher base maintenance costs. If you want a big base, be prepared to pay for it;Day/night with awesome weather effects;Ace A.I. (best AI I've ever seen in Dayz);No crosshair;Helpful admins. This is not a server for little kids that want everything for the next minute and play Dayz like its CoD. This is the place for those who want a challenge. Come and try it. http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ http://tlc-gaming.com/home
  9. ricmarkes

    Epoch server?

    No, I don't think it's lame to have a busy server, I just think it's lame the way people play Dayz in your servers. It was you that said your server was balanced, when it's far from that, remember?