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44 Good

About Hopix

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  1. Hopix

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    People still don't know what an Alpha is? Oh dear.
  2. What is there to fix? It's just a placeholder animation before they add a scramble.
  3. Hopix

    New renderer questions.

    Will it aid in making the UI less clunky and unresponsive?
  4. Hopix

    Not really a survival game

    No one cares.
  5. Hopix

    When the character wipe comes...

    So much entitlement in here...
  6. Hopix

    Rain will be the new night?

    The more to weed out the immature KoS deathmatchers the better.
  7. Hopix

    No more Towns

    What a horrid suggestion.
  8. Hopix

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    In what way?
  9. Hopix

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Sounds about right. Persistence will probably be 100% implemented by the time the game is transported to a new engine.
  10. Hopix

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    "Persistent storage across all stable branch servers (including rented servers from GSPs) is targeted for version 0.49 at the end of August."
  11. Hopix

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    So what does that mean, the framework for persistence or full persistence of every item, or what?
  12. Hopix

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

  13. Hopix

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Can anyone confirm if any kind of persistence is currently on this build?