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PunchLine (DayZ)

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Posts posted by PunchLine (DayZ)

  1. I just had this same problem. i was looting cherno hospital and apartments just about to set out into the north when i hit server lag and decided to find a server that had better ping. I re-spawned in the debug plains with spawning players around me. i don't know how to get out of here. i wouldn't want to bother the mods with something like this unless its a quick fix. if its not and there is a way to prevent this from happening i would love a link or instructions.

    Character Name: PunchLine

    also let me know if i am SOL. i can bite the bullet just would like not to if possible.

    also i would love to just state how wonderful this mod is, truly top notch.

  2. Date/Time:11:30 PST

    What happened:put on camo, played for a hour or so, logged off on a pier, logged back on and i was in the middle of the ocean, its that way for every server now. lost my rifle and ammo. :(

    Where you were: pier outside elektrozavodsk

    What you were doing: running from zeds.

    Current installed version:1.7

    Server(s) you were on: Uk 6

    any fix for this? or way to get back anything? should i just respawn?
