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PunchLine (DayZ)

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About PunchLine (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. I'm running into the same problem right now with a buddy who is trying to lan with me. we can be on different servers and other games just fine, but we cannot connect to the same server together. it gives us a failed to join, or if one is already connected it says "no message recieved". any fix on this?
  2. I just had this same problem. i was looting cherno hospital and apartments just about to set out into the north when i hit server lag and decided to find a server that had better ping. I re-spawned in the debug plains with spawning players around me. i don't know how to get out of here. i wouldn't want to bother the mods with something like this unless its a quick fix. if its not and there is a way to prevent this from happening i would love a link or instructions. Character Name: PunchLine also let me know if i am SOL. i can bite the bullet just would like not to if possible. also i would love to just state how wonderful this mod is, truly top notch.
  3. PunchLine (DayZ)

    Sudden connection problems?

    i do believe a new beta patch is happening for Arma 2. most servers are updating atm. from what i understand of the situation. Me and a friend having the same problem.
  4. Date/Time:11:30 PST What happened:put on camo, played for a hour or so, logged off on a pier, logged back on and i was in the middle of the ocean, its that way for every server now. lost my rifle and ammo. :( Where you were: pier outside elektrozavodsk What you were doing: running from zeds. Current installed version:1.7 Server(s) you were on: Uk 6 any fix for this? or way to get back anything? should i just respawn?