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Everything posted by Jerrys35

  1. Jerrys35

    Character wipe everytime.

    Hey there I was to change server I was safe in a house and when I connected to a new server I begin with a new charecter. Weird thing is in the main menu it shows my old charecter but when I connect to the game I'm with the new one and this really pisses me off, I saw people with smiliar problems but after theese tons of updates. This is really disturbing that it is still happening and all of our work and progress is now gone for nothing....
  2. Jerrys35

    Hardening The Game

    Hi, I really like my early times of the game but when I got all the best stuff I can it becomes aimless. So when I die I can easily go to the military base near Kobanino and get full except M4 but I can find it on my way in Police Stations of Sobor towns or at least I find SKS. Now I've read the forums I know everyone says it but can you please make it harder -much harder- to enter that high looting areas. I don't say strenghten the zombies but for example you can put 30-40 zombies to military bases so we won't dare entering there with bare hands but spend some time in safer areas to find enough equipment to enter there. Another I don't say strenghten the zombies but you can make them more accurate for we can easily kill 5-6 of them at the same time with an firefighter axe without being hit. We don't use guns on zombies we can easily handle the situation with melee weapons so you should force us use guns on zombies. (I know it is hard if you don't have an axe but come on every good player in this game has an axe). I can easily find food, drink and fill my bag and then I don't use them I use the new ones I find when looting -if you want players to hunt and cook this you must force them, they must hunt to eat not for completely fun-, I'm allways healthy, energized and hydrated, Everyone knows there is maps of Chernus in internet and most of the players use it. That's the main problem we can easily find military bases etc. but as you can not remove them. Our suggestions like I have do here may be the solution. Now, through that maps we can easily find water wells, lakes and get rid of our thirst. To prevent this I have a suggestion -in real life also- when you are thirsty and you drink so much water you get stuffed easily and this lasts for a long time, plus you are still some thirsty, so you can make it easier to get stuffed and make the character not able to drink anymore water. That way wells and lakes can be a way to help us get rid of thirst but not completely, not the main way, we should drink regularly not one time near a well and go don't drink for 2 hours. Lastly there are lots of players including me -I did it when I was new- changing servers to loot the precious zones again and again, this must be stopped, you can make it like Rust that you have that character for only one server but it seems this is not possible in current situation, anyway this must be solved. Thanks for reading.
  3. Jerrys35

    Hardening The Game

    Yeah that would be good but it must be logical too, you can't expect an assault rifle to spawn in a cottage.