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Anthony Bugg

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Everything posted by Anthony Bugg

  1. Anthony Bugg

    Where am I ? (The Official)

    I have been running around for hours and finally saw a sign... What city / location is this? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...=426490775
  2. DayZ needs a way more realistic way of handling a gun, and it's sounds. For example, the M4A1 sounds like a gas rifle, and so do the AK variants. Not only that but the reload animation is literally a joke, and when you run half of the time the gun is glitching out. I would also like to add that their should be more detail added to the M4A1 (like a serial number, or a manufacturer) and when reloading you should be able to see the bullets at the top of the magazine. The bullet drop is even more of a joke then anything, and most of the time I can make a 500 meter shot easily even when out of breath. There is barely any recoil or spread. Not only that but the AK variants in DayZ have a barrel that isn't really manufacturer any more due to the fact that more low grade ammo is being used now a days so their is a split at the top of the barrel.
  3. Anthony Bugg

    High end PC with low FPS

    It is like this because the devs want to work on adding new hats rather than actually fixing the game xD
  4. Anthony Bugg

    why doesn't the bipod fit on the mosion?!

    I was talking about real life, not the game. The guy I quoted was making it seem as if all rifles in real life need a rail system to attach a bipod.
  5. Anthony Bugg

    why doesn't the bipod fit on the mosion?!

    You have no clue what you are talking about... A gun doesn't need a rail system in-order to add a Bipod... This isn't Call of Duty or Battlefield.
  6. Anthony Bugg

    why doesn't the bipod fit on the mosion?!

    Are you just dumb, mentally unstable, or both? The average player doesn't know where to put the scope so the bullet will go exactly where they want... Everyone thinks that if you put the cross hair on someone from lets elektro to kamy, you would kill someone... No... That is not the case here.
  7. Anthony Bugg

    why doesn't the bipod fit on the mosion?!

    Exactly... Then they talk about it takes "no skill" lel.
  8. Make sure that you have no launch parameters, and to verify your game integrity. Also putting the game settings on medium and staying away from any places that put your CPU and GPU under stress is a good idea too.
  9. Anthony Bugg

    DayZ SA FPS Help!

    Franzuu, your suggestion is actually incorrect. I have the CPU and a very good GPU as well. Getting new parts will not fix your FPS at all, tweaking the game through launch commands and CFG editing will some what fix your FPS, but not by much. The game is so highly un-optimized that for some people the game runs good, and for others it runs horribly. Cause the DayZ team totally couldn't be fixing the game but they choose to add new hats and new animations but watev.
  10. Anthony Bugg


    Is anyone else now encountering cheaters even more? I had a fully kitted guy with a AUG and he shot me through a wall. The issue with the log is there is a easy bypass, simply don't kill the person, just make them bleed and wait until they go unconscious because then it won't show up in the logs, which is a really, really bad loop hole.
  11. Anthony Bugg

    Poor FPS

    I don't get it, I have the following specs: http://gyazo.com/390896e12dbcc4c0b8de6fc16d3bbfa5 Yet I can only run the game on normal because the max FPS i get after that is like 30, wtf is this LOL ?
  12. Anthony Bugg

    Poor FPS

    Yeah I tried that... Clearly others have different system specs.
  13. Anthony Bugg

    Flying in the air?

    Okay, so i am kind of mad and amazing right now of what should happened to me literally 5 minutes ago, so lets start the story... Basically, i was in Kami and i discovered that their were some rocks that could be a good scout out place to go to and watch over the city, so i climb the hill and i reach the rocks and i lay prone right next to the rocks with the sides of my body touching it, i had nothing in my hands at all. The next second my body literally flew into the air, with no glitch intending or anything, and i swear, i flew higher up then the height of sniper hill near electro, then i fell into the water and while i was falling toward the water i heard a static voice over the mic saying " watch out " or something similar to that and i died. I was so pissed but i was curious about the issue as well, i wish i could have taken a screenshot but at the time i was so focused on what was going on i could barely move my fingers, i was in such shock.
  14. Anthony Bugg

    Global Ban?

    Hello, so recently, well actually probably about one month ago i got global banned off of DAYZ SA for no reason at all, i thought this was so ridiclous so i contacted BattleEye support and i have yet to get a response back, i am really worried because i love to play DAYZ SA and i feel like my money was just wasted. If anybody has any other suggestions i would be glad to try them out! BTW, the global ban id is 723d02
  15. Anthony Bugg

    DayZ Filter Resets

    Hello, recently i am having this issue where whenever i set the max ping filter to 200 and i exit out of my favorite server that is 200 ping i have to keep re-writing 200 into the max ping bar because the number 100 keeps over writing the 200.
  16. Anthony Bugg

    DayZ Filter Resets

    Someone help =(
  17. Anthony Bugg

    4gb ram causes fps drops

    Hey, i actually found some very cheap ram for you, it's 8 gbs and only 36 dollars! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?gclid=CLX82Znt7L0CFTIV7AodZhIAcQ&Item=N82E16820231307&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-Desktop+Memory-_-N82E16820231307&ef_id=U0WiaAAAAPY0rHN7:20140419152149:s
  18. Anthony Bugg

    My Clan Picture! [DIK]

    So me and my clan took a picture in the warehouse at Kami, i wasn't in the picture because well, i took it but if you want to know my gun it's a M4 with a tactical light, suppressor, dual mag, m4 ris system, acog (it's all camo). http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=248655877 Long Live [DIK]!
  19. Anthony Bugg

    I lost everything that i had =(

    Hello, so recently i have been playing DayZ intensely, i had gotten lots of gear, and probably the best looking M4 to my standards, i taught i would never lose my stuff, but boy was i wrong... So just 5 minutes ago i was playing on some server, i can't exactly remember which one and the only thing i can remember is that the game mode type was regular, not hardcore. So anyways, i was just running around and for some reason the game instantly crashed to my desktop without warning. A white blank box appeared seconds later with the options of "ok" or "cancel" and a "x" button on the top right of the box, most likely a error box but there were no words. Afterwards, i waiting a couple of minutes and i re-opened DayZ with no issues, i joined a random server with the game mode of regular and i looked at my character and i have lost all of my stuff, all my gear, my gun, food,drinks,etc. I had literally lost everything in a second of the moment. This really sucks because as a new player i don't know much and i had to constantly stop and look at the maps, videos, and guides online, not only do i run the factor that i got lost for about 4 hours in real time trying to get to a airfield, but i died several times by numerous players, so losing all my stuff was a big deal for me. Why did i lose all my stuff? Would it be possible to get it back?
  20. Anthony Bugg

    Low FPS

    Hello, i am new to DayZ entirely, and as soon as i started the game i had very poor fps. I could look down and my FPS would be fine, i could look at the sky and my FPS is fine, but when i look around me my FPS drops horribly! I was just wondering if you guys could give me some tips or some good settings that could give me around 40 to 60 FPS and at the same time not make the game look blurry if possible! Thanks! System Specs: CPU: Intel Core Quad CPU Q6600 2.40GHz GPU: Nvidia GTX 660 SuperClocked RAM: 8 GB Windows 7 Home Premium 64-BIT
  21. Anthony Bugg

    Low FPS

    Hey Steak, thanks for that guide, i got at least a 10 to 20 fps boost! Also, since my CPU is sort of bad what would you guys suggest for me? I sort of have a price range of 100 to 150 =(.
  22. Anthony Bugg

    I lost everything that i had =(

    I tried that, and my character is still lost =(