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Everything posted by scopehunter

  1. scopehunter

    OHK'ed by zombie

    So I just died, a zombie one-shotted me (I assume he got me in the head, I had no idea instant one hit deaths from zombie were even a thing). I had a fully stacked AKM and AK101 in hands, and all the ammo you could ever wish for. (I was by the petrol station in Zeleno on Revenant/Tactical Gaming EU server, anyone who wants to collect the loot from my body needs to be fast xD) Has anyone else been one hit killed by a zombie?
  2. scopehunter

    Resolution Issue

    Change the game resolution before you set the rendering resolution to 100% :) its in the settings somewhere, I promise :P
  3. scopehunter

    OHK'ed by zombie

    I can't wait for the day when you get OHK'ed while fully geared. Karma will have fun with you :)
  4. scopehunter

    OHK'ed by zombie

    Yeah it was a monkey-zombie :P those things are deadly...
  5. scopehunter

    OHK'ed by zombie

    thanks for the tip, I'll have to remember that one :)
  6. scopehunter

    OHK'ed by zombie

    Yeah I too was healthy, fully energised and hydrated :S
  7. scopehunter

    What is the rarest item you have ever found in DayZ?

    http://dayz.gamepedia.com/12_Gauge_Slug removed from game some time ago, found some on a body
  8. scopehunter

    I think I killed Mr Moon

    Haha fair enough, I would have liked to see what happened if you hadn't headshotted him at the end while he was unconscious, just took his gun and wait for him to wake up
  9. scopehunter

    I think I killed Mr Moon

    Yes that was moon...why so much kos banditing? I wouldn't be proud of this. I'd rather have a vid of me chilling with moon and kiwo than killing him.
  10. scopehunter

    Y410p low gpu and cpu usage/utilisation

    Try changing the power management mode for DayZ in the nvidia control panel to prefer maximum performance, it makes a big difference :)