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About interceptor

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    Lonely traveler

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  1. interceptor

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    I just hope they add some loot in the trash piles even if it's only 1 can but this makes you feel a more real feeling of scavenging.
  2. interceptor

    Just saw Rocket again.

    BRILLIANT. Bunch of monkeys! :D But sadly I gave them my money what a mistake... I guess they can now afford a kilo of banana but NEVER they shall have my beanZ!
  3. I guess my death is more annoying then weird. I was at NW airfield and attack by bunch of zombies. Not really a problem i got into a house (the grey/white long one only made by steel) threw a grenade to kill most of them and finished the rest. Then another wave came : I throw a smoke gren. and then suddendly the house collapses and I die...
  4. interceptor

    Coop? Why the hell coop?

    That's a good point of view. Yes indeed new comers would be discourraged to play that game because it gives you no possibilty to roam alone in chernarus. I guess if that would really cause a big problem, it would be easily solved by adapting the difficulty by server options. That means if a server is set on recrut mode, the difficulty decreases, the more you set it higher the more it'll be difficult. So in short that would mean new players are likely to go on easy mode servers and experienced players on veteran or expert mode. I can imagine that on low diff. servers, there will be more PVP but this gives the player experience in how to survive and learn how to shoot in ArmA, find some cover and use tactics. Even though I see only positive sides of it, I'm happy to know your opinion about it.
  5. interceptor

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Actually they're not a problem at all. You can remove them all if you've got a toolbox. It's just a bit difficult to aim at the wire to get the action to remove it. Concerning the wipe, I guess only the staff knows if it's the right moment. I want to remember you guys that we're currently in a early testing phase and you all have accepted the risk (since you decided to join this mod) to loose all of your hard earned equ.
  6. interceptor

    Coop? Why the hell coop?

    Unfortunatly I have friends who don't like to play arma nor dayz. I don't really care about it nor is it really influencing my fun. Ok I noticed that I've made some mistakes concerning the structur of the text. It really looks like that my intentions were all focused to make impossible to form groups outside of the game since there is a massiv wall of text conerning it. It wasn't actually my goal to focus on that topic. Sorry to everyone. My main focus was actually set for the difficulty of the game and cooperative/KOS teamplay. I'll edit the OP. Sorry again if I sounded arrogant/agressif in my earlier replies :s
  7. interceptor

    Coop? Why the hell coop?

    Before making useless comments you should read the OP. Thank you! It breaks a part of the game? Yes indeed. ---- EDIT because you edited too ---- If you want to put it in a real world scenario I'm fine with it. First of all, if you can remember, your first day in DayZ you start alone at a coast. Now you want to tell me you can speak with your friend who is at the other end of the map? No. I totally agree that groups are superior to someone traveling alone. But again you didn't understand what was my point of this discussion. I am totaly for groups in dayz which ARE made during gaming. But as someone said you can't do anything against it and it was already mentionned in the OP. My point is that the gameplay should be alot more harder than it is now.
  8. interceptor

    Coop? Why the hell coop?

    I understand that you're likely to KOS every person due to paranoia. But as it was mentionned in the OP, higher difficulty would probably force people to cooperate with each other alot more and real banditry would be back again. KOS would also be possible but you shall only do that if there's a real need of it like stealing food and water from another player in order to survive.