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Dead Arrow

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Everything posted by Dead Arrow

  1. Dead Arrow

    Steam-Friend Spawnings!

    I personally find it very difficult for me and my friends to meet up in DayZ as we are both VERY new to the game. I accept all criticism about this topic and appreciate both negative and positive posts, ALL feedback is important. I believe that if you join a server *For the first time* and the game can some how "sense" that you are a new spawn with no items, and same as your friend that you should spawn in the same spawning area. It is a drag trying to find out where you are and how to meet up with each other when you're a new player. Hence the reason while I said, "First time on that server", and "No items", those are the keywords. Summary: First time on that server or both die and have no items, you should be able to spawn in the same zone. This making it easier for newer players, such as my self and many other new-coming players. Please give me your feedback on this topic, and what you think of the situation. Pros/cons? Thanks for reading this important topic. :)