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About Madfast

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    England, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  1. Madfast

    Extended First Aid

    I took a look at your thread, if you are going to make a compilation thread, it is only decent to give credit where credit is due, IE the people who thought of the ideas you have collated.
  2. Madfast

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    DayZ 1. Wouldn't run on Xbox 2. An Xbox doesn't have enough buttons. With the success of DayZ, it won't be long until a similar style game is made for xbox, just look how long it took for minecraft clones to reach it. But DayZ, in it's current mod form (and to a further extent if it goes standalone and still uses the Arma2/3 engine) will never be on xbox. It just wouldn't run.
  3. Madfast

    Very Frustrated

    Sounds like you are just crap at the game if you ask me, I never have problems being spotted, or losing zombies. Just get better at the game and stop crying on the forums.
  4. Madfast

    Banditry deterrant

    You always have a fighting chance if you are good. I have never been killed by a sniper, been shot at by a few but always found them and killed them. A sniper has an advantage over someone without one, you don't have equal chances as them, but you always have a fighting chance.
  5. Madfast

    Banditry deterrant

    Oh look a unique and original thread I have never seen before... Seriously though, people need to stop rushing to the forums to bitch and suggest a way to stop people killing them. This is a PvP focused zombie survival mod. PvP will always be around and unpunished. Stop crying, a get better at the game then other players won't be a problem for you.
  6. Madfast

    Universal server time

    Dayz with no food or water dependancy and always daytime. You know what that is called? Arma 2 with either the undead mod, or celery zombies. Seriously people need to realise that they bought one of the most modded games. There are a plethora of mods out there, google for them.
  7. Madfast

    Extended First Aid

    I guess that is why hospitals use alcohol soaked rags they find on the floor... Oh no that is right they spend a lot of money to buy bandages specially designed to staunch blood flow. Also if absorption depends on thickness I guess that is why a cloth absorbs more water than a sponge. Oh wait no it doesn't. It is the intrinsic properties of a material, its affinity for water, its ability to expand that determine how much it can absorb. But if you ever get shot, feel free to try and stop the bleeding with a dirty dish cloth, I will be using the specially designed bandages to deal with it.
  8. Madfast

    Am I an ass hole?

    You sound like a really skilled player...
  9. Madfast

    Dayz Tournament

    Want team deathmatch? Play Arma. DayZ isn't about teams fighting to the death, Arma is. There are plenty of clans that organize PvP join one of those.
  10. Madfast

    Extended First Aid

    Proper medical bandages are must better at stopping bleeding than a cloth rag. Not only are the woven in a way to maximize the about of blood they can absorb, they are designed to apply constant pressure to a wound. You are talking to someone possibly on the other side of world instantly. You think we would be able to achieve that feat of technology as a race, but our bandages would be no better than alcohol soaked rags? Especially considering our pretense for murdering one another.
  11. Because a diet of cold beans is an entirely healthy and well balanced diet, also I do believe he is suggesting bacon as another new food, not as the only food. It is a good idea, a it could give more blood than tins, but less than steak. A happy medium for people without a hunting knife. Also bacon, everyone loves bacon. Even vegetarians love fake bacon.
  12. Madfast

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    Any play style is valid as long as it doesn't involve circumventing the rules of the world (Ie hacking ,exploits, duping). And there is a way to tell X from Y, bandits have a fast heart beat if you look at them. Just make sure you are in a position to see them first, and whilst this is always possible, if you can't just don't approach them/stay out of there sight. And precisely an advantage is only yours if you take it, you shouldn't punish someone for playing in a way that an the surface gives them an advantage. And I say on the surface, because at the end of the day it isn't really an advantage if you play cleverly. The way I play results in me never getting shot, and getting the drop, note I don't shoot them just introduce myself from a position of advantage, on the player regularly. I would imagine that advantage comes from years of PvP Arma and OFP experience, should we punish people who play like me or have that background, because they have an advantage they have taken for themselves from there willingness to engage is regular organized play sessions or take things a bit more slow and tactical? Despite how much it annoys me when other people do this I am going too, Rocket has always said this is an anti game. He created a world with no rules too see how people would react. That was the original vision. So this is true to the original vision. I would argue it is perfectly playable, but yes it could be argued inaccessible, compared to a lot of modern games once you. It can't be that inaccessible due to the fact alone of its massive player base and runaway success. I would say that is fouled reasoning, I would say someone starving is a problem, because they are not on a level playing field. Everyone in this game has access to everything anyone else can get, through the same methods as them. To expand on your analogy it would be like being inside a supermarket and I am not starving but someone else is because they haven't learned to properly use the can opener yet. It can be solved by player skill alone. Also I think I should clarify my problem isn't with your suggestion, it is one of the better " anti bandit " suggestions I have seen. My problem is with arbitrarily punishing one play style over another, because someone personally doesn't agree with it, or believes it offers some inherent advantage to another. Once one play style is punished it will open the flood gates, as it will be seen as a thing that happens. Whining will increase 100 fold, and soon this will stop being the brutal, unforgiving but brilliant experience many of us have fallen in love with, to super happy zombie fun time land coop experience.
  13. Madfast

    Extended First Aid

    I imagine that is why doctors just rip off bits of cloth too apply to wounds? A real bandage is specially woven and treated to prevent it 1.Sticking to the wound 2.Causing infection and most importantly to maximize its ability to absorb blood through both the material it is made of, how it is made and because the bandage itself applies pressure to the wound to reduce bleeding.
  14. Madfast

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    If I have a Shotgun and someone else has no gun, I have an advantage, should we balance that as well? If someone is better at aiming should we give them shaky arms to balance it? Any advantage anyone has in this game is one they have made for themselves through there skill/play style, punishing someone for there aptitude at the game is never the correct solution. That is what makes DayZ so great, it is truly emergent gameplay, where the game gives you nothing, everything you have is hard won. It gives you the bare bones tools for an experience and lets you go wild, the more arbitrary systems we add to punish X and reward Y will simply detract from what it is that makes DayZ such a unique and special experience. If it isn't fair, then it isn't balancing, as balancing is about making things fair. If it isn't somewhat "Realistic" it doesn't belong in a mostly "Realistic" zombie survival mod for a very realistic Tactical shooter. So one must assume you thought it was at least one of those things. Actually my statement being correct has a massive impact on whether the game is broken and needs balancing. If we are both in agreement that we don't die from bandits and player skill prevents you dying, then it isn't a problem and doesn't need fixing. Rocket saying he has no interest in balancing a game not withstanding, the only time a game needs balancing is when something is in it that is impossible to deal with by simply being good. As it stands now there is no such problem in the game.